14. It Takes More Than A Few Walkers To Get Rid Of Me.

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After a few minutes we reach the highway and find out everybody was waiting for us.
We got out of the car and i immidiatly ran up to Daryl.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Thought i lost you little one." He chuckled. "Takes alot more than a few walkers to get rid of me." I chuckled and shook my head and glanced over at Lori and Carl who made their way towards me.

"Thank god!" She smiled and pulled me into a hug, Carl joined our hug and smiled.
"Where'd you find everyone?" Rick asked Daryl. "Well, this guy's tail lights zigzagging all over the road. Figured he had to be Asian, driving like that." He smiled and glanced over at Glenn
who chuckled. "Good one." Glenn nodded and rolled his eyes.

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked.
"Where the only ones who made it so far."
Rick sighed. "Shane?" Lori asked.
Rick shook his head and looked down.
"Andrea?" Glenn asked.
"She saved me, then i lost her." Carol replied. "We saw her go down." T-Dog said.
"Patricia?" Hershel asked.

"They got her too. Took her right from me, i was holding onto her.." Beth cried and held onto
her father. "What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?" Beth asked Rick.

"He was in the RV, it got overrun." Rick replied. "You definitely saw Andrea?" Dale asked.
"Did you see her?" He added.
T-Dog didn't reply and shrugged his shoulders. "i'm gonna go back." Dale signed.

"No!" Rick answered and shook his head.
"We can't just leave her?!" Dale answered.
"We don't even know if she's there!" Lori replied. "She isn't there, she's somewhere else or she's dead." Daryl replied.
"So we're not even gonna look for her?"
Glenn softly asked. "We gotta keep moving."
Rick shrugged. "There have been walkers crawling all over here." He added.
"I say head east." T-Dog suggested.
"Stay off the main roads." Daryl added.

"The bigger the road the more walkers."
He sighed. "More assholes like this one,
i got him." Daryl mumbled and shot a walker with his crossbow.

"Alright, let's get in the cars, follow eachother East." Rick sighed and glanced over at the cars. Lori grabbed my shoulder and led me and Carl to their car.

A few hours later we stopped the cars.
"You out?" Daryl asked Rick as we all got out of our cars. "Running on fumes." He sighed.
"We can't stay here." Maggie replied glancing over at the road. "We can't all fit in one car." Glenn answered. "We'll have to make a run for some gass in the morning." Rick replied.

"Spend the night here?" I asked.
"We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out." Maggie sighed.

"Watch your mouth." Hershel hissed and
glanced over at her. "Everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick." Hershel added.

"All right, we'll set up a perimeter."
Rick begun. "In the morning we'll, find gas and some supplies." He paused.
"We keep hanging on." He nodded.

"Glenn and i could make a run now, try and scrounge up some gas." Maggie offered.
"No, we stay together." Rick said.
"I know it looks bad, we've all been through
hell and worse, but at least we found each other." He whispered.
"We'll find shelter somewhere, there's
gotta be a place." Rick continued.

Glenn sighed. "Rick, look around. Okay? There's walkers everywhere, they're migrating or something." Glenn said.
"There's gotta be a place, not just where
we hold up, but that we fortify." Rick answered. "Even if we do find a place.." Maggie shrugged. "And we think it's safe, we can never be sure for how long?" She wispered. "Look what happend with the farm." She shook her head. "We fooled ourselves into thinking that was safe." She added. "We won't make that mistake again." Dale nodded.

Rick paused and turned around.
"We'll make camp tonight, over there."
He pointed at a spot in the woods.
"Get on the road at the break of day." He sighed. "Does this feels right to you?" I asked Daryl.
Beth hears and walks over at us.
"What if walkers come through, or another group like Randall's?" She asked.

"You know i found Randall right?"
Daryl asked Rick. "He turned, but he wasn't bit." I replied aswell.

"How's that possible?" Dale asked.
"Rick, what the hell happened?" Lori asked. "Shane killed Randall." Daryl replied firmly. "Just like he always wanted to." He added.
"And then the herd got him?" Lori asked.
Rick sighed and said nothing for a few seconds. "We're all infected." He said.

"What?" Daryl asked. "Morgan, he was at the C.D.C." Rick begun. "Some doctor told him, whatever it is, we all carry it."
He shook his head.
"And you never said anything?"
I crossed my arms.
"Would it have made a difference?"
He asked softly.

"You knew this whole time?!" Glenn asked.
"How could i have known for sure?"
Rick held up his hands in defense.

A few hours passed. We set up a campfire. Suddenly we hear some leaves rustling in the distance. "What was that?" Beth squeaked.

"Could be anything, racoon, possum."
Daryl replied. "A walker." Glenn sighed and
got up. "We need to leave, i mean, what are we waiting for?" I asked.

"Last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in the dark." Rick responded. "We don't have the vehicles, no one's traveling on foot." He hissed.

"I'm not sitting here for another herd to blow through!" Maggie whisper yelled.
"We need to move, now."
She glanced over at Rick.
"No one is going anywhere." Rick firmly replied. "Do something!" Carol complained.
"I am doing something!" Rick snapped.
"I'm keeping this group together!" He shouted. "Alive!" He yelled.

"I've been doing that all along, no matter what." He hissed. "I didn't ask for this!!" He growled.
"I killed my bestfriend for you people, for Christ sake!" Rick yelled. Everyone stayed silent and looked at eachother in shock.

"You saw how he was, how he pushed me."
Rick continued. "How he compromised us!"
Rick glanced around. "How he threatened us." He kept going. "He staged the whole Randall thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back."
He sighed. "He gave me no choice!"
He yelled and glanced over at Lori.

"He was my best friend, but he came after me!!" Rick said. "My hands are clean!"

I glanced over at Carl who looked down as a tear ran down his cheek. I sighed and rubbed his back softly pulling him into a hug.

"Maybe you people are better off without me." Rick signed. "Go ahead, i say there is a place for us, but maybe it's just another pipe dream."
He shook his head. "Maybe, i'm fooling myself again!"

"Why don't you go find out yourself? Sent me a postcard!" He hissed.
"Go on, there's the door." He kept talking.

I just sat next to Lori holding Carl as i glanced over at Glenn and Maggie who were just so confused as i am.
"You can do better? Let's see how far you get!" He continued. Everyone stayed silent.
"No one?" Rick asked. "Fine, but if you're staying. This isn't a democracy anymore."

Everyone looked at eachother but said nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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