11. Randall

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Me, Lori and Maggie stayed on the porch for a while until we heard a car approaching.
It was Rick and Shane, and they brought a boy.

"Who's that?" I ask.
"It's Randall, we found him on our way back." Rick replied. They said nothing more and brought him into one of the barns.

"Tell Daryl to come over here immediately!"
Rick told Glenn and Glenn nodded.
After about an hour we all gathered around
the campfire to decide what we're gonna do
with Randall.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Lori asked. "We gonna keep him here?" I ask.
"We'll know soon enough." Rick answered.

Daryl approached us and nodded.
"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men." Daryl said. "They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends." Daryl announced.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick firmly said. "Rick, what are you gonna do?" Maggie asked. "We have no choice, he's a threat."
Rick answered. "You're just gonna kill him?"
Dale asked. "It's settled, i'll do it today."
Rick sighed.

Dale shook his head. "You can't do this?"
He asked. "You don't wanna do this! I know
you don't!" Dale added.
"I thought about it since we found him.
Knowing what we know now, i don't see
a way out of it." Rick replied.

"But you can't just to decide on your
own to take someone's life!?" Dale said.
"Rick.." Dale pleaded. "There's gotta
be a process." Dale sighed. "He's just a kid!"
Dale yelled. "I'm asking for one day to talk
to everybody." Dale begged.

Rick sighs. "We reconvene at sunset,
then what happens, happens."
Rick raised his brows and walked away.
"Come on, Joo." Daryl says as he guides
me to our tent.

Two hours later Dale approached us.
Daryl scoffed and continued cleaning
his crossbow. "The whole point of me coming
up here is to get away from you people."
Daryl told Dale. "Gonna take more than that." Dale replied. "Carol sent you?" Daryl asked. "Carol's not the only one that's concerned about you." Dale sighed.

"Man, i don't need my head shrunk, this
group's broken." Daryl answered.
"I'm better of fending for myself, and my
sister that's all." He added.

"You act like you don't care." Dale replied.
"Yeah, it's cause i don't." Daryl groaned and stood up.
"So live or die, you don't care what happens to Randall?" Dale asked.
"Nope." Daryl replied.

"What about you, Joo?" Dale turned to me.
"Why don't you guys stand with me? Try to
save that kids life!" Dale asked glancing over
at Me and Daryl back and forth.
"Didn't peg you for a desperate son of a
bitch." Daryl mumbled.

"Daryl!" I hissed at him, and gave him a look. Daryl turned to look and me and nodded. "Sorry." He said. Daryl stood up and started
to walk away.

Dale glanced over at me before he spoke again. "You cared about what happend to Sophia!"
Dale begun. "Cared what it meant to the group." Dale nodded. "Torturing people, that isn't you?" Dale shook his head. "You're a decent man! So is Rick." He raised his hands.
"Shane, he's different."
Dale said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Why's that? 'Cause he killed Otis?"
Daryl asked. "He told you that?" Dale asked as
he got closer to us. "He told a story."
Daryl replied. "Rick ain't stupid, if he didn't figure that out is 'cause he didn't wanna."
Daryl added before he walked away.

Dale sighed and sat down next to me.
"You are with me right?" Dale looked at me
with pleading eyes. I smiled and nodded.
"You just want to do what's best, i agree on both sides. If i had to be honest. But you're right, we can't just kill someone for something he might not even consider doing." I reply.

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