6. Cupacabra

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Two days passed and we still haven't found Sophia. I got out of my tent and sat down next to Daryl who was cleaning his motorcycle. Rick came towards us and waved us over to make some new plans.

"Alright, everyone's getting new search gids today." Rick said as he looked at all of us.
"If she made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found yesterday, she might have gone further east than we've been so far." He continued.

"I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here." Daryl says as he points at the map. "Get a bird's-eye view of the whole grid."
He continues and looked at Rick. "If she's up there i'll spot her." Daryl nodded.

T-Dog smiled and nodded aswell. "Good idea." He chuckled. "Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there too!" T-Dog laughed. "Chupacabra?"
I chuckled and glanced up at Daryl with a confused look.

"You never heard this?" Dale smiled.
"Our first night of the camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of the time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra." Dale explained.

"Why are you laughing?" Daryl raised his eyebrows.
"So you believe in blood-sucking dogs?"
Rick asked.
"You believe in dead people walking around?" Daryl asked and placed his hands on his hips.

Rick didn't answer but just nodded.
"Alright, Andrea, T-Dog. I want you guys staying here, protect the camp." Shane says.
"Me and Rick will check out the farmhouse."
He nodded. "I'll go check the ridge." Daryl said and started to walk off.

"I'll come with you." I said, trying to catch up with him.
"No, you stay here. I already asked Lori to look out for you." He smiled and patted my head.
I nodded. "Alright, be careful though."
I said and punched his arm softly.
Daryl smiled. "I will, don't worry about me."
He winked and walked away towards the stable.

Three hours passes, Me and Maggie are sitting in the kitchen with Carl while Lori, Carol, Patricia and Beth prepared dinner.

Hershel walked into the room and looked into the kitchen. "What's this?" He asked.
"Lori and Carol are cooking dinner for us all tonight." Maggie smiled, and i'm teaching my little friends here how to draw."

I glanced over at Hershel and smiled at him.
He smiled back and nodded. "That's sweet."
He replied and glanced over at our drawings. "You better draw me some, these look amazing!" He smiled and glanced over at the refrigerator.

"Ofcourse, this one will be for you once we finish." I smiled. Hershel laughed softly and sat down with us. "What's going on between you and the Asian boy?" Hershel asked Maggie.

I giggled and glanced back at Maggie.
Maggie smiled and shook her head before she replied back to her father. "Glenn, he's a friend." Hershel frowned and got up.
"Alright, have a good time drawing. I have to feed the horses." He said and walked out of the room.

Two hours passed, me and Carl are back at our tents after Dale came back to pick us up.
We sat down on top of the RV with Andrea as she suddenly got up. "Walker! Walker!" She yelled and pointed into the distance.

"Just one?" Rick asked. Andrea grabbed her binoculars and looked into the distance.
"I bet i can nail it from here!" She said and put the binoculars down and grabbed her sniper.

"No! Andrea. Put the gun down." Rick yelled. "You'd best let us handle this." Shane said and got up. Rick and Shane ran towards the walker.

Andrea sighed and held her sniper in her hand and scoffed. She reloaded the gun and held it up. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"Watch and learn kids." She smirked and looked into the scope. "My dad told you not to shoot." Carl crossed his arms.
"I don't care what your dad said." She rolled her eyes and hold onto the sniper a bit tighter.

"Andrea don't!" Dale yelled and shook his head. "Back off Dale." Andrea replied bluntly as she got a better grip onto the sniper. She fires and chuckled proudly.

"No!" Rick yelled.
I quickly got up as Andrea lowered her gun.
We stare at Rick and Shane who picked up the creature Andrea just shot.

I got off the RV and ran towards them, Andrea and Dale followed. "Oh my god!" I yelled as i just came to realize Andrea shot Daryl.
"Oh my god is he dead?" Andrea yelled. "Unconscious." Rick replied with a growl since he was pissed at Andrea.

"But look at him, what the hell happend!" Glenn asked. "He's wearing ears!" I furrowed my brows as we kept walking. Rick yanked the ear necklace of off Daryls neck and threw it on the ground. "Let's keep that to ourselves." He said softly.

"Guys, isn't this Sophia's?" T-Dog asked as he held up Sophia's doll, who Daryl had found.

We brought Daryl back into the house where Hershel took good care of him. He almost immidiatly woke up and started telling us about how he found Sophia's doll. I was laying next to Daryl as Hershel and Rick stood across the bed.

"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there." He softly began. "She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere." He continued as he turned onto his side slowly. "Cuts the grid almost in half." Rick glances over at Shane who sat down on a chair.

"Yeah you're welcome." Daryl groaned in pain as Hershel cleaned his wound on his side.
"How's he looking?" I asked Hershel.
"I had no idea we'd be going trough the antibiotics so quickly." He replied.
"Any idea what happend to my horse." Hershel asked Daryl.

"Yeah the one who almost killed me?"
Daryl scoffed. "If it's smart, it left the country." He continued.
"We call that one Nelly, as in nervous Nelly." Hershel replied crossing his arms.
"I could've told you she'd throw you off if you'd bothered to ask." He added.

Daryl said nothing and closed his eyes.
"Take some rest, i'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." He said  and left the room with Rick and Shane, leaving me and Daryl to be left alone.

"You alright?" He asked while he kept his eyes shut.
"Yeah, are you? I swear i'm starting to hate that bitch." I mumble.
"Andrea? Well, welcome to the club." Daryl chuckled.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. "What happend back there?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it, i'm too tired to explain all that." He sighed.
"Alright." I smiled. "Get some rest, i'll stay here." Daryl nodded  and closed his eyes again.

Two days later, Daryl and i woke up in our tent. We heard someone outside of the tent causing us to sit up. Andrea opened the tent and stept inside. "Hey." She started and glanced over at us both. "I'm so sorry, i feel like shit." She sighed and sat down.

"Yeah. You and me both." Daryl raised his brows and adjusted his pillow.
"I don't expect you to forgive me, but if there's anything i can do.." She sighed.
"You were tryna protect the group." He nodded. "We're good." Daryl sighed.
Andrea smiled and got up.

"But hey!" Daryl said. "Shoot me again, you'd best pray i'm dead." He said sternly.

A few hours passed and we're currently sitting around the campfire in silence.

Glenn breaks the silence and starts to speak. "Ehm, guys." He begins and looks down.
"So.." He paused. "The barn is full of walkers."

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