7. That's My Man!

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Everyone looked up from their plate, including me. Shane exhaled deeply and stood up.
"You cannot tell me you're all right with this."
He glared over at Rick.

"No, i'm not. But we're guests here. This isn't our land!" Rick sighed.
"God! This is our lives man." Shane raises his voice. "Lower your voice!" Lori whispered softly. "We can't just keep this under the rug!" Andrea shook her head.
"We've either gotta go in there, we've got to make things right." Shane walked around.
"Or we've just got to go." Shane stopped walking.

"We can't go!" Rick whisper yelled.
"Why, Rick! why!" Shane asked bluntly.
"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol softly stepped in.

"Okay." Shane scoffed. "Okay, i think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane clenches his jaw.
"Shane. We're not leaving Sophia behind." I yell softly.

"I'm close to finding this girl! I've just found her damn doll two days ago!" Daryl raised his voice. Shane chuckles and glared back at Carol and me. "You found her doll, Daryl!" He sighed.
"You found her doll, that's what you did."
He shook his head.
"You don't know what the hell you're talking about!" Daryl yelled and swung his arm.

"I'm just saying what needs to be said!"
Shane yelled back.
"Shane stop!" Rick said as he held Shane back. "Let me tell you something else man!" Shane added. "If she was alive out there and saw you coming, all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck!" He yelled.
"She would run the other direction!" He rubbed his chin.

Daryl got closer to Shane and pushed him. "Stop!" Rick said and got in between the both of them.
"Back off!" Shane yelled and glared over at Lori who tried to hold them apart.
"Keep your hands off me!" He told Lori and walked away.
"Just let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out." Rick said.
"What are you gonna figure out!" Shane screamed and walked up to Rick.

"Enough!" I yelled and pushed Shane away.
"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, i have to talk him into it." Rick yelled back. "This is his land!" He continued.

"Hershel sees those things in there as people." Dale stepped in and pointed at the barn.
"Sick people, his wife, his stepson." Dale continued.

"You knew?" Rick asked.
"Yesterday, i talked to Hershel." Dale nodded "And you waited the night?" Shane shook his head again and burried his face into his hands.
"I thought we could survive one more night! We did!" Dale raised his voice.
"I was waiting till this morning to say something." Dale continued calmly and stared
at the ground.

"The man is crazy, Rick!" Shane yelled again.
"If Hershel thinks those things are alive or no!-"

The group split up, me and Glenn sat down on the RV. "What happend to your cap?"
I ask, while glancing down at Glenn holding his dirty cap.
"Maggie, she's mad at me for telling the group about the barn." He replied and put the cap next to him.

I nodded and sat down next to him.
"You did the right thing, Glenn. I'm sure Maggie will see that too. Maybe not now, but she will."
I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.
He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "You know, you're pretty wise for an eight-year-old." He laughed.

I chuckled along as Dale walked up to us.
"Hey Dale! Any chance you got an extra hat?" Glenn asked.
"Nope." Dale replied and took off his hat and threw it to Glenn.
"Thanks!" Glenn smiled and put it on his head. He turned to look at me and chuckled.
"So, what do you think Joo?" He smirked.

"I perfer your cap, but it's actually not that bad." I smiled.
Dale got into the RV and took a deep breath. "You okay?" I asked Dale softly.
"Yeah!" He replied back and sighed.
"You mind running and getting me some water?" Dale asked as he sat down.
"I just, need a second." He added and looked down.

"You'll keep watch?" Glenn asked as me and Glenn got off the RV. Dale didn't reply.
I walked over to the door of the RV and furrowed my brows. "Dale?" I asked.

Dale turned around and nodded. "Yeah.. sure.." He replied softly. "Alright." Glenn shrugged his shoulder and waved me over to follow him.
As we arrived at the house we find Rick, Andrea and Daryl around one of the cars.

Hershel walked up to us, Rick noticed and turned around. "Hershel." He said softly.
"We just have our guns out because we're gonna go look for Sophia." Rick nodded.
"Before you do that i could use your help with something." Hershel said rolling up his sleeves.

"Count me in." I smiled and crossed my arms. "Thank you." Hershel smiled.
"But i just need Rick." He said and glanced back at Rick. I smiled and nodded aswell.
"Alright, i'll go grab that water Dale asked for."
I said as Glenn followed me into the house.

We got back to the RV only to find out Dale left. "Are you kidding me." I say holding a glass of water for Dale.
"Let's just set it down on the table, and wait for him." Glenn said. "Maybe he had to pee."
Glenn chuckled and got up the RV, i followed. Once we sat down Shane walked into the RV.

"Shane?" I asked. He didn't reply and searched the RV. "What is he doing?" I whispered to Glenn. Glenn shook his head and stayed silent. Shane came out of the RV and looked up to us. "You seen where he went?" Shane asked. "Who?" Glenn asked. "Don't even try to shit me okay." Shane reponded bluntly almost pissed. "Dale, Glenn. Dale!" He raised his voice.

Shane looked over at me and raised his brows. "Did you see where Dale went!" He asked.
"He asked us to run and get him some water."
I replied.

"And he was gone when you got back, huh?" Shane shook his head.
"Yeah.." Glenn replied.
"You think he's okay?" I ask Shane.
"He's fine." Shane replied and walked away angrily.

"What was that about?" I asked Glenn as we sat back down. "Literally just Shane being Shane." Glenn shook his head and rubbed his forehead.
I sighed and noticed Maggie making her way towards us.

"Maggie?" I smiled. She waved at me and ignored Glenn. "Hey." Glenn said as Maggie kept walking.
Glenn got down of the RV and walked up to her. "Maggie!" He yelled and tried to catch up with her. "Please just hear me out." He asked softly.

I couldn't really hear what they were talking about since they kept walking further. I just sighed and watched them talk. It seemend like they were arguing so i started to mind my own business, trying not to get involved.

"Hey walkerbait!" Maggie yelled up at me and smiled. "This one's for you!" She nodded and smiled.

I furrowed my brows not knowing what she meant untill she grabbed Glenn's face and kissed him. I gasped and laughed softly.
"Whoohoo!" I chuckled. "That's my man!"
I chuckled and pointed at Glenn who had a bright blush on his face and couldn't help but smile.

Maggie chuckled and waved me over.
"Come on! Let's get ourselves something to eat." Maggie smiled.
I nodded and got of the RV and followed then towards the house. Maggie smiled and glanced over at Glenn who was still wearing Dale's hat. "Go get your cap, i'll wash it for you." She giggled softly as she took of his hat.

He smiled and stood up as me and Maggie kept sitting on the front porch.
"Do you know what's going on?" T-Dog asked.


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