12. Dead Without A Bite

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A few days have past, it's getting colder soon so Hershel suggested for us to come live inside of the farmhouse.

"It'll be tight, fourteen people in one house."
Rick told Hershel. "Don't worry about that, with the swamp hardening, the creek drying up.." Hershel answered. "With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie added.
"She's right." Hershel nodded. "We should've moved you in a while ago." He said.

"Alright, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors, facing out towards the road."
Rick pointed at the house.
"We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another
in the barn loft." Rick nodded.
"That should give us a sightlines both sides
of the property." Rick added.

"What about patrols?" Andrea asked.
"Let's get this area locked down first.
After that Shane'll assign shifts, while me
and Daryl take Randall offsite and cut him
loose." Rick replied.

"You wanna take Daryl as your wingman?" Shane scoffed. "Be my guest." He shook his head.
Rick sighed. "Thank you." Rick firmly replied
and walked away. Me and the rest followed. "Joo!" Rick waved me over.

I turned around and slowed down.
"When i'm out with Daryl, help Hershel keep
an eye on things around here." He nodded.
"Me?" I asked.
"Shane's got a way of letting things get
out of hand, especially when he's all torqued up." Rick sighed as we kept walking.
"If you stay here permanently, he's got
to understand, that it's what Rick and i
say, not what he wants." Hershel smiled softly.

I nodded. "Alright, i will do that." I smiled.
Rick patted my shoulder and smiled.
"Good, thank you." Rick smiled and got into
the house. Lori stands over next to the truck
as she hold up some heavy boxes.

"Hey, let me help you." I smiled as i took a box from her.
She chuckled. "Thank you sweetheart."
She said and guided me into the house.
"Me and Carl are taking the corner of the livingroom, would you like to join us?"
She smiled.

Hershel stepped outside and shook his head. "You can put that in my room." He smiled. "You'll be more comfortable there." He added. "No, we can't do that." Lori shook her head.
"A woman and two children, sleeping on the
floor while i've got a bed for myself?"
He shook his head again.
"This is still your house." Lori whispered.
"It's our home." Hershel replied.
"I'll take the couch downstairs." He added.

"If you two can't decide i'll take it."
T-Dog winked jokingly.
Lori chuckled and stroked Hershel's arm.
"Thank you." She nodded and looked down
on me with a smile. "The couch is mine!"
Hershel yelled to T-Dog who was bringing
boxes inside. T-Dog chuckled and got inside.

Daryl walked up to us and nodded at me.
"So we're taking the hallway?" He asked.
"Oh, do you mind if i stayed with Lori and Carl? Hershel offered us his bedroom." I smirked. Daryl chuckled. "So you're leaving your big brother for a warm bed huh? I see how it is now." He smiled and patted the top of my head.

"You sure you don't mind?" He asked Lori.
Lori smiled and shook her head.
"I offered her myself." She nodded.
"Alright, but if she bites you in your sleep,
don't come running to me." He chuckled.
"Just kidding." He added and gave us both
a nod before he brought his stuff inside.

"Hey Joo." Glenn waved me over.
"Can you come and help me?" He asked.
I glanced over at Lori who gave me a nod.
"Sure!" I replied as i followed Glenn outside.
"It's something with the RV, Dale is gonna kill
me if he got back from his walk with Carol and found out that i broke it, and you're the only
one who knows things about cars." He chuckled.

Glenn gets into the RV and starts the engine but it cranks. "Did you try pumping the gas pedal?"
I asked.
"I think it's been parked too long." Glenn signed. Glenn got out and opened the front of the RV. "Let me see." Glenn took a peak inside the
car and glanced over at me. "Screwdriver?"

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