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That's all that can be seen.


That's all that can be heard.


That's all that can be found.

However, this is not the case. This time, it is different. Instead of floating in an endless void of nothingness, this time i am walking. Ripples can be seen where my every step lands, like my feet are touching the water's surface.

It's not wet though. It's cold. Everything is cold. The aura of this place is dark and unwelcoming. I feel like I'm being watched by someone or something but there's no one around. Or at least, I can't see anyone or anything around me. But i can sense that i am not alone.

The more I move forward, the clearer my surroundings become. Not something that helps the situation though. Dark particles float around this vast realm filled with shadows.

Shadows. Yes, shadows. That's what this place is. An unseen by man place. A world right beside you, always there, yet unnoticed by anyone. But me. I always believed that balance was the very thing that held everything in place.

Yet i never would have thought it could reach this extent. But it did. And i see it. Like looking at the world through a mirror, with the surface of the glass reflecting a dark, without any light or color replica of existence.

Light and darkness. Good and evil. Life and death. It's too much and yet so simple for one's mind to both miss and grasp. Besides, a coin cannot exist without possesing two sides after all.
There is a saying, which states that if you start reaching out your hand towards the unknown, the unknown starts reaching out to you as well. And pulls you closer and closer, until you see something that was never meant to be seen by a human like yourself. And it's too late, because you are already too far gone.

I never reached a hand out there. I was curious sure, but i never sought to find, to touch the infinity beyond me. Turns out that's not the case. Perhaps in all my loneliness and despair I wished to form a connection. Someone or something to connect with. And connected I became. But with something that was far beyond my understanding.

And here i am. Walking through the abyss of blackness towards an uncertain destination. I don't know why I keep on going. It's like I am in a trance. Hypnotized by a song that i cannot even hear. Drawn to IT like a moth to a flame that doesn't even exist.

Now i see. In front of me stand tall and ummoving ten pillars, placed in a way that creates a circle of some sort. They are made out of black crystal, with some dim lime and cyan coloured energy flowing through them, while unrecognisable symbols and runes are sculpted upon their surface.

From the middle of each pillar extends a chain made out of the same material as the other structures are built from, and covers the distance from the pillars, towards the middle of the circle. The ground is covered with dirt while little crystals extend from the floor as well.
Right above, clouds dark as night can be seen swirling around like a hurricane, producing lime and cyan lightning. Both above and below are pitch black, but in the horizon dim light allows me to witness what lies before me.

My eyes now travel towards the middle of the bizzard creation, where all the chains seem to be wrapped around something or someone. By closing the distance and walking between the pillars, the feeling of increasing unease is creeping down my spine.

The air seems to have become thicker, causing my every breath to feel like a struggle. The more distance i cover, the heavier my body feels, like the gravity is increasing. I cannot understand it. Every fiber in my body is screaming at me to get away, to run as fast as possible. The environment around me seems to be more and more distorted the closer i get to IT.

I say IT because i know that what I am looking at is not a human, despite having its back turned to me. That... thing, while IT'S humanoid, has dark black hair with equally black particles floating from IT. ITS body doesn't look solid. Black energy like mist covers every part of ITS shape with lime and cyan lightning dancing within the darkness.

IT is sitting on ITS knees, with two chains wrapped around each hand. Two others restrain the legs, while three are surrounding the upper body. The last chain is locked around the neck. The air is so dense right now, it feels as if it's vibrating.

It's loud. Too loud. My ears are on the verge of bursting. I think I am going to pass out at any moment. I open my mouth to speak but my voice is stuck in my throat. After many attempts I finally manage to utter one single word.


At that very moment everything stills. And now the only thing I can hear is my own heartbeat. IT slowly starts to turn ITS head towards me. When we made eye contact, i felt like death itself was staring right at me. Sinister glowing mixed cyan and lime eyes look deep within my soul, with a distorted face of what looks like a human having an unreadable expression.

For a while we just stare at eachother, until IT begins to open ITS mouth. After that, IT speaks and the words that come out shook me to my very core.

     - LET....ME....OUT!!!

The screaming echoes throughout the dark realm, causing everything to start shaking like an earthquake. Its too much. Far too much.

Everything turned black for a moment, before i woke up screaming my lungs out and falling out of bed. I gasp for air, before i start breaking down in tears from the shock. I have experienced similar nightmares many times throughout my life, however this was by far the most surreal terrifying out of them all.

My dog Marcus came running to my side while whimpering out of worry for my well being. I pet him in order to calm down, which thankfully works as usual. I hope it was my parents the ones who would comfort me, but right now they are on a business trip abroad.
Being an only child has its downsides as well i guess.

I look at the clock that's on top of my desk. 4:35 it shows. Reluctantly i crawl back to bed, with Marcus by my side this time. Have i introduced my self yet? Well my name is Nikolas Blackwood, and this is my story of how my life turned upside down, filled with adventures, journies and a whole new world to discover its mysteries, but also about myself.

Adventures beyond the voidWhere stories live. Discover now