War Has Come To Our Gates

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Tyrion has yet to let go of his wife's hand as they walk along the Battlements they stop and look out at the still water and hear Lancel ask from behind them "where's our Fleet?"  Tyrion replies "on the way"  Joffrey who was standing next to Lancel asks "why isn't it here now? they're coming"  Lysianassa replies as one of the boys nearby walks past Sandor with a burning torch in his hand "we figured we'd try using the element of surprise"  Tyrion smiles Joffrey scoffs "if I tell the Hound to cut you both in half, he'll do it without a second thought"  Joffrey says Lysianassa takes her sword out of its sheath and lays it across his neck then replies "and I will cut off your head right here, right now and no one but the five of us will know about it and all we have to do is lie and say it happened during the war and the rest of King's Landing will have no choice but to believe us then we'll put your head next to the Mountain's where it belongs for we all know you're a horrible king who thinks he's strong but in truth is very weak! I dare say Joffrey I don't believe anyone would miss you, not even your mother!"  his eyes widen in fear as she continues "let this be a reminder to you that no one threatens my husband in front of me especially not some false king who has yet to earn the throne he sits on! for I will kill anyone who dares do so no matter who they are and unlike most I do not wish to have your crown nor would I keep your head as a matter of fact I'd feed it to the wolves if I thought it had a nice taste to it but with your personality I'm guessing it doesn't!"  Tyrion hides a smile as Lysianassa sheathes her sword a shadow of a ship is seen floating towards King's Landing Joffrey points at it and says "there they are"  Tyrion says to the men around them "archers to their marks!"  a man shouts his order to those further away from them  "archers! to your marks!"  a group of men rush around them and head to where they were meant to be "nock your arrows!"  the man shouts "nock arrows!"  another man shouts "hold fast!"  Tyrion says "hold fast!"  the man near him shouts "what are you doing? we need to attack them!"  Joffrey says Tyrion turns and says "hold fast"  they hear a man yell "boulders ready!"  Tyrion turns his attention back to the sea and whispers "I could really use a massage right about now!"  Lysianassa whispers back with a smile "later, when the war is over I will give you a massage you will never forget!"  he smiles one of their ships sails out to meet Stannis' Fleet seeing this Joffrey says "there's only one ship where are the rest of them?"  then he shouts "where are the rest of them?"  Hallyne walks over and hands a burning torch to Lysianassa who bows with a smile to him "would you like to do he honors my love!?"  she asks handing Tyrion the torch he takes it from her then tosses it down off the Battlements a second later they see what looks like a small comet/falling star but is actually a burning arrow fly towards their one ship then sets the sea aflame as it lands in the water "he missed! he told me he never misses!"  Lysianassa teasingly whispers Tyrion chuckles then teases back "I'll have to dock his pay then!"  their attention is brought to the ships that exploded once the green flames of the Wildfire reach them Lysianassa places her hands on her husbands shoulders for she knew it wouldn't look good especially with Joffrey being so close to them if she hugged him she feels him cup her hands with his and gives them a light squeeze Hallyne on the other hand looked pleased as punch at the handywork his creation created even Joffrey looked happy at the sight of the turmoil in front of them Tyrion leans up against his wife searching for comfort without making it too obvious for he understood why she didn't hug him he knew what the soldiers around them would think of them if she did and he was grateful for her consideration "here comes your war Joffrey I hope you know how to fight! oh that's right you never had to learn how to fight like a man because you have the privilege of having the capability to hide behind Sandor and your Kingsguard!"  Lysianassa says as rowboats are seen coming their way "how dare you!"  Joffery replies "I suppose you should be grateful you finally get a chance to learn for there is no better way to do so than in the heat of battle or so they say"  she says ignoring his anger "he's a serious man, Stannis Baratheon"  Tyrion says he turns to one of the soldiers and says "rain fire on them"  the man walks away and calls out "archers!"  Tyrion orders "Hound, form a welcome party for any Baratheon troop that manages to touch solid ground"  Sandor walks away to do as he's told "Pod, run to the King's Gate bring any man guarding it here, now!"  Tyrion orders Pod nods then says as he rushes off "yes, my Lord"  Lysianassa says softly "becareful Podrick"  Podrick replies without turning around though you could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smiling  "I will, my Lady"  soon Tyrion, Lysianassa and Joffrey were watching their Archers shoot at the men coming towards the gates and throwing down large rocks upon those who made it to them "don't leave my side!"  Tyrion whispers to his wife as he grips her fingers gently "I have made no such plans husband"  Lysianassa whispers in reply he smiles then brings her fingers to his lips and kisses them "though I am betting your sister is going to order her king to be sent back to his chambers before he can learn how to properly use his sword"  she says he chuckles then replies "you are probably right"  she says softly "I wonder how Sandor's handling the fire"  he looks at her "with a scar like the one on his face I'm sure it's his one true fear probably the only thing he's afraid of and there are just some fears one can not get rid of fire might be his"  she says softly.... a few minutes later Tyrion and Lysianassa see the very man she once spoke of drinking a flask/canteen full of wine "can I get you some iced milk and a nice bowl of raspberries too?"  Tyrion asks Sandor "Týr!"   Lysianassa scolds with a smile "I'm sorry my love but the Hound is on the wrong side of the Wall and I need him back where he's supposed to be"  Tyrion says she frowns "I lost half of my men the Blackwater's on fire"  Sandor says "Dog, I command you to go out there and fight!"  Joffrey shouts "why don't you go out there in his place!?! we have yet to see you do anything "kingly" and or noble and you've been telling everyone who's been forced to listen to your false bravado about how many of Stannis' men's blood you'll have on your blade Stannis included and yet it's still rather shiny and not covered in blood"   Lysianassa says "you dare tell me what to do!?!"  Joffrey growls Lysianassa looks at her husband and says "I'm sure some of Stannis' men have made it over the Wall by now and there are more men coming perhaps Sandor can stay and be my protector for awhile"  Tyrion looks at her and replies "as you wish my love"  she looks at Sandor and says "if that's alright with you"   Sandor nods then replies "it would be my honor little flower"  Tyrion smiles at the nickname Sandor gave his wife "well then why don't we go see if any of these men need our help with anything!?"  she says Sandor nods Lysianassa kisses her husbands lips then promises "I will return as soon as I'm able"  he nods with a small smile then watches as she and the Hound walk away from where he and Joffery stand....

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