The Escape

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I grab my bag which has all my essentials in it and just as I'm about to bend to tie my sneaker laces, footsteps began approaching towards my room I hide the sneakers beneath my bed and dash inside the bathroom. The door opens making a creaking sound and I hear my name being called out.

"Valerie are you in the washroom."

"Yes, Aunty.'' I say it in polite way so that she does not suspect anything

"Okay, go to bed early your uncle will be arriving tomorrow."

She says that with annoyance guessing by her tone I can tell she was forced to inform me about it. Before I could reply to her, she slammed the door and left. This is her fifth visit to my room don't be fooled in thinking she cares about me it's the opposite. To be honest she has been waiting for a long time to get rid of me and now looks like her wish has been answered and she will try to make everything work in her favour even if she must play pretend to be the caring aunt for her plan to succeed.

Just then I hear some noise coming out of my room I get close to my door an began to Eavesdrop. It looks like my aunt is talking to her beloved husband guessing by their voice they look very delighted. After all, their fantasy is about to become reality but they have no idea their happiness is short- lived.

"There's no need to worry everything will go according to our plan."

"After all we have waited for so long and the day has finally arrived."

"I can't wait to get rid of that nasty rat."

"Be patient just two more days and she will no longer be our problem." They both began to cackle

Their conversation makes me grit my teeth I began to clench my fist tightly my blood bubbles and I feel it could erupt like volcano anytime now. I try to calm myself down because if I did something foolish this would be the end of the road for me.

I wait for some time and once its silent, I open my door slowly and began to check my surrounding normally the safety is not this rigid that is the reason I must be extra cautious.

As I'm about to step out I hear a loud scream "She's gone." I was so close from achieving my goal "dammit,'' I say to myself with a fuming expression on my face. All the lights are switched on everyone has been alerted and the atmosphere is filled with panic. I began to run my heart pounding rapidly what if I get caught? I began to think as run I shush the negative thought in my head, I have successfully escaped from the house. But once I reach the pack house that is situated at the 10 minutes walking distance, out of the blue I see a well - built man standing right Infront of me he is wearing a black t-shirt and trousers he began approaching me there is a little distance between us before he can get a hold of me I spray his eyes with my pepper spray which I had been clasping all this while in my hand .

He sobs my eyes "I can't see anything it hurts so bad." I sense some footsteps coming toward me without wasting any more time I dart in the wood's direction.

Behind me I hear a familiar voice yelling out my name and sending curses at me, but I don't halt just than I hear loud crashing sound I stop and turn to look I see a huge tree has been collapsed blocking the way.

I thought to myself maybe Moon Goddess is on my side and is helping me to get away, I look towards the moon and thank her. I start walking and noticed my surroundings it all seems unfamiliar and so quite around. I have never been to this side of the woods so I'm clueless and began following the moonlight as my guide.

After rambling for some while I find myself on an abandoned street which is covered in fog and huge trees making everything look creepy nearby. I hear a twig break when I turn around to check I couldn't find anything suspicious I'm not going to lie it did send a chill down my spine .I continue to walk without even knowing where I'm supposed to go just as I mutter those words a vehicle rapidly speeds towards me . I turn to look my eyes are blinded by its bright white headlights, it stops at a few distance from where I was standing . Two muscular hands grasping me I try to get out from their grip, but all my attempts go to vain and I began to yell.

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