Secrets and thriving love

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Callie began to explain me how she found Dorin sitting and sobbing under a pine tree after a mysterious woman had tricked him and abandoned him in the woods. The next day they found out what that happened to his parents Dorin was devastated and did not want to return to the pack, he decided to stay with her. One day he had gone for his regular evening walk in the woods but when he returned, he was not his usual self and uttered he wanted to take revenge on Andrew and moved out of the house.

Tears welled up in her eyes she said to me that she didn't want to lose him he was her only family that was left. She was scared Dorin would end up doing the same mistake as her.

Nick, when I found that I was an enchantress I felt betrayed by my own people because no one had the courage to tell me the truth she sniffled saying that. I felt as if the ground was slipped beneath my feet I was living in a lie. I feared what the others would think about me when they found out that I was not one of their kind would they still accept me or throw me out of the pack leaving me to my fate I said to myself. When I confronted my father about it, he was heartbroken did he consider me as a disappointment? I thought to myself he said to me in a calm voice that he would always protect me and no one would dare to lay a finger on me, I never wanted to be disgrace to my family I was not ready to face humiliation I ran away .Only if I had known what would be the outcome of my foolish decision I would have never done what I did even if I had to suffer humiliation I would . I lost my father he instantly fell sick after I left, I didn't even attend his funeral how could I after all I was the one to be blamed for his death.

Everybody hates me Nick tears began streaming down her face I hugged her I'm a bad person she said I don't deserve to live I took away somebody's mate and a father I destroyed a family. Stop saying that Callie, nobody hates you in fact everyone is waiting for the day that you will return we accept you for who are. Even Dorin's mom loved you so much there hasn't been a single day when she didn't mention about you.

"We need to save him Nick before things get out of hand, we need to get him out of the darkness we need to tell him whatever he heard was false." she said wiping the tears from her face.

"Earlier you brought up a mysterious woman can you tell me more about her." I asked her and she nodded.

"I have never seen her, but Dorin told me that she had put on a black coat and sunglasses her face was covered but he was able to see some of her red hair." she said to me.

"And how can these books help us to find our answers?" I questioned her.

"These books are hard to find like I said before it has a list of rare spells in it the spell that we need is a past spell, it's called reminiscence nothing is mentioned about it in the other spell books. They say who ever wrote this spell didn't want many to know about it because people could misuse it will give us closure, I have been searching for this book ever since I found out about your and Dorin's parents I knew something was wrong I feel like someone had and still has a hideous intention behind it." She explained to me.

"But what would they get by killing our parents." I asked her in a curious tone.

"Power, they want it very badly and they can go to any extent for it that is why we need to act quickly we don't know what their next move is going to be and Dorin is also not going to listen to us unless we show him the proof." She had an anxious look on her face.

"But I don't understand how someone can have so much control over Dorin." I said to her.

"They must have used the dominion hex it is used to take control over someone and it couldn't be used by any ordinary person unless they are taught how to use it." She said to me.

"Can it be a sorceress who is behind this?" I questioned her.

"Can be or maybe someone had used the sorceress help." she said looking at me.

"How much time do you need to learn about this spell." I asked her.

"It will take a few days." I nodded in agreement.

"Can I tell Andrew about it." I asked for her consent.

She hesitated but then said yes, he has the right to know the truth but make sure it's only between us. I agreed with her before parting she said she would message me when she figured out how the spell worked. I started walking back to my mansion many questions kept lingering in my head.

I can't believe I had books which had a list of rare of spells in them I thought they were just the usual ones. Now I understand why the owner was hesitant in lending me the books, but I was willing to pay for them, and she couldn't say no to her customer.

A thought strike me the owner? she might know about the woman but what if she refuses to tell me I have to trick her and get information out of her without her suspecting me .But before meeting her I need to see my beautiful mate whom I have not seen from last night and it's killing me and knowing Valerie she must be enraged I didn't even inform her that I won't be able to have breakfast with her and I regret it .

When I entered the foyer, my wolf was fuming at the sight in front us Julian and Valerie when standing close to each other I know Julian had found his mate, but it made my wolf angry that another male was standing next to our mate. She was about to shake hands with him when my wolf growled, I felt a bit of Jealousy looking at them Valerie turned to look at me I was boiling with rage I introduced Valerie to him. My voice sounded very hoarse I didn't say anything and just stormed off in my room.

I slammed by room door and banged my fist on the wall in frustration why did I behave like that I said to myself now Valerie will fear us what if she doesn't want to see us again.

"She is a smart girl and will understand why we acted like that." Lucas my wolf said in a calm voice.

At that time, I heard a knock on the door I denied permission I didn't want to talk to anyone I collapsed on the bed and began staring at the ceiling. The door opened And Valerie walked in my room and sat on my bed. She didn't say anything there was a complete silence.

"Why are you mad?" she questioned me looking concerned at me.

"Isn't it obvious." I said to her looking in her greenish brown eyes.

"I have some idea on what it could be, but I still need your confirmation." she said to me.

"We were jealous of seeing our mate with someone else." I sat next her to and took her silky-smooth hands in mine and said looking at her.

"Don't worry Nick you are mine and I'm yours and were stuck together forever even one day if you get annoyed by me and decided to run away, I'm not letting you go mister." She said to me.

"I would never even think about running away from you instead." I chuckled and pulled her closer to me.

"She cupped my face in her hands and looked deeply in my eyes." see this is what I wanted to see your beautiful smile I love it when you smile, she said to me.

"Then I'll try to smile more." I said to her giving her a gentle smile.

I could feel the sparks between us, and I know she could feel them too I'm so grateful that the Moon Goddess choose her as my mate she understands me so well a few minutes ago I was so tensed and now I feel relaxed.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened today." I said to her.

"Regarding that I already have a punishment ready for you." she said with a determined look on her face.

You're going to take me to a place that makes you feel at ease and were going to talk about all the things that have been bothering you and I'm not taking a no as my answer she said folding her arms. I chuckled I was not expecting this punishment from her I agreed with her a smile spread on her soft pink lips she embraced me and whispered in my ears I forgive you my lovely mate.

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