Getting to know

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I'm glad that I got to meet him again he must have felt heartbroken when he saw me give the bracelet to Nick, I tried to talk out to him, but he refused to see me. I had also made a bracelet for him I waited to give it to him, but he never turned up.

"Happy birthday Valerie." I was taken aback when he wished me.

"You remembered my birthday." he nodded and smiled at me.

I heard a growl from behind "Valerie, our mate is not liking it pull away from him" Aldora said to me.

When I turned to look, I see Nick's eyes had turned to pitch black he was ready to pounce on Dorin. I went and stood beside him and rubbed his arm he calmed down at my touch.

"Valerie, I bought a gift for you." I thanked Dorin and was about to grasp it from him when I heard another growl I stared at Nick and gave him the are you kidding me look

I took Callie and Dorin in the living room Nick went to bring Andrew who was relaxing in the guest room. Ophelia and I begin serving them snacks.

"Dorin, I apologise for Nick's behaviour." I said to him in an apologetic tone.

"It's all right, Valerie." He gave me a knowing look I smiled at him.

"How have you be-." I was interrupted by Andrew who dashed into the room.

"My pup." he hugged Dorin I could see he was struggling in Andrew's embrace I gestured Nick to stop him his sons looked at they're father with a confused expression on their face.

"Mommy, why didn't you tell us we had an elder brother." Darion said to his mom.

"Guys Dorin is your uncle, your dad always treated him like his own pup." Thalia told her sons.

"Why did uncle Dorin never visit us mommy?" Evander asked his mom.

"Because he was busy, baby." the twins were bombarding Thalia with questions Andrew just ignored them and continued to talk to Dorin.

"Hey boys, would y'all like to eat ice cream." their face lit up at the mention of ice cream and they nodded their heads.


I could see the disappointment in Valerie's eyes when Andrew left his mate to deal with the kids. Even I was mad at him. Valerie took the kids to give them ice cream before they could ask Thalia more question, she was on the verge of tears I feel bad for her. I punched Andrew on his arm.

"Why did you punch me?" he snarled at me.

"You deserved it for turning a blind eye towards your mate." When Andrew realised what I had said he begin to look for his mate.

"She is with Valerie you better apologise to her when she gets back." He nodded he was frustrated with himself.

"I told you it was a bad idea, but you didn't listen to me." Dorin said to Callie and stood up from the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your day." he begins apologising I said to myself this is a mess.

"No buddy, it's not your fault and you didn't ruin anything." I tried to make him understand.

Valerie enters the room she senses the tension in the room "Andrew, Thalia is waiting for you in the bedroom the twins are with Ophelia" she informs him he exited from the room. Valeire seats on the couch and says "please don't blame yourself for what happened Andrew didn't treat her right he had it coming" she said and sighed deeply. After some time, the atmosphere in the room was serene. she and Callie got along very well I had no doubt in that. We were laughing on something Dorin said my gaze shift to the door I see the twins peeking.

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