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They began dragging me I continue with my protest they push me inside the car and shut the door. I find myself between two muscular men who are seated serenely what just happened? I think to myself. I'm interrupted by a calm voice coming from the driver seat a man with brown hair, green eyes wearing glasses looks at me and introduces himself as Alexander.

"Your safe with us.''

"You abducted me form the middle of nowhere and now you have the nerve to say I'm safe with you.'' I said it in a very pissed tone murderously glaring at the two men who were sitting next to me.

He ignored and commenced driving

The Scene shifts to the woods

Cool breeze starts gusting a silhouette of tall man emerges from the woods in search of a teenage girl escorted by sturdy men's. Walking towards the empty road the tall man has his eyebrows lowered and lips curled inwards.

"Alpha, I found this spray at the edge.''

"It's the same spray that vicious girl used to burn my eyes.'' the attacked men said

The 6 feet tall man with long blonde hair and brown eyes wearing an elongated black coat, grabs the man by his throat the others around try to make him stop.

"Alpha if you proceed, he will choke.''

"Then what do I do Beta, to someone who couldn't deal with a teenager." He says that looking at the man with narrowed eyes.

"If the spray is here, she must have not gone too far we should start scanning the surroundings''.

"Then what are y'all waiting for, go find her you useless beast.'' He releases his hold on the man and lets him go.

It's been 15 minutes their incapable to find the girl. The Alpha begins to become impatient the Beta comes and stands Infront of him with a dejected face.

"We looked everywhere but were unable to locate her."

A loud shriek is heard in the middle of the abandon road everyone around began to tremble in horror.

"This can't be happening my plan can't go to drain, after waiting for all these years." He stated holding his head in his hands.

Just than a man and woman in their middle age  hyperventilating come rushing towards the Beta their Valerie's uncle and aunt, they look anxious the man is about to say something but is cut short by the Alpha.

"How could you do this to me you jerk. He says furiously grabbing the man by this collar.''

"Alpha, we really regret it please let my husband go." The woman said with a pleading face.

Before things could escalate any further the Beta steps forward and says to the Alpha that they should leave, he will send their men to the nearby hotel and check if the girl is staying there. The Alpha nods agreeing the Beta sigh in relive. He drops the man on the ground and before leaving he glances at the man and his wife who look pathetic and warns them to find the girl without delay or else there days are numbered; he shoots daggers at them before he departed.

The lady helped her husband to get back on his feet and began to walk towards their house. She gazed at her husband who was miserable. The woman thought to herself that when she finds Valerie, she will make her repent for her deed and began to frown.

In the meantime

I'm going nuts an alexander is being secretive, I have so many questions going on in my mind. I was about to grab his hair in rage, just than the man on my right stopped me.

"Relax little one.'' Alexander uttered

"Firstly, I'm not a child and I don't who y'all are and where you're taking me?''

"Very soon all your questions will be answered.'' He replied in a gentle voice

"Why are you being so tight - lipped."

Just as I was about to argue his phone starts to ring, and his face expression shifts from calm to serious he answers the call and begins to talk with a stern expression on this face.

"Where you able to retrieve her?''

"Yes, she is with us since it late we will be staying at my place and arrive early in the morning."

"Make sure she is safe I don't want a single scratch on her."

I get curious and began to grab the phone from his hands. Hey, young lady what do you think you're doing he glances at me astonishingly. Trying to talk with person who is behind all this now give me the phone. After arguing for some time, I defeated him and snatched the phone from his hands.

"Hello, Alexander are you there?''

"I'm not Alexander, Now Can you tell be why did you capture me?''

I eagerly wait for him to respond but after not getting an answer I feel dejected, the call was disconnected the beta grabs the phone from my hand.

"Don't worry, you'll meet your mystery person shortly." He smirks

Arguing at this point is useless, I don't say anything and began to look outside the black tinted window.

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