The shy kid

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A 7-year-old Dorin is sitting and crying under a pine tree a woman dressed in a mid-length black pleated skirt with a coral high neck short sleeve top. Approaches him and speaks.

"What are you doing here at this hour all by yourself it's not safe here and where are your parents?" she says putting her hands on her hips gazing at him.

"I don't Know." he said sobbing.

"It's already late now and I just moved in here today I don't know much about this place we will have to wait for tomorrow." she said to him.

She stretched out her hand towards him and said, you'll be staying at my place tonight and tomorrow we can go and look for your parents. Dorin nodded in approval and grasps her hand and stands up.

They entered the house Dorin begins to scan the room the woman seats on her green vintage couch and sighs in exhaustion. And says today was a hectic day I feel like I could drift off at any time.

"Are you a witch?" Dorin asks her.

"Yes, but how did you know that." she was stunned by his question.

"You have a purple crystal glass ball and the other stuff in this room is similar to what witches use" he said pointing at the crystal ball.

"I see you know a lot about our kind who told you about this?" she asked to boy.

"My mom told me about it she also mentioned that I had an aunt who was a hybrid, but I have never met her." could he really be her son, but he doesn't look anything like her maybe he has taken after his father she thought to herself.

"What is your mother's name?" she asked him.

"My mom's name is Catherine." he uttered the lady was shocked at the revelation she stood up from the couch and hugged him.

"I'm Callie your mom's half-sister." she introduced herself to him he looked confused but still gave her a smile.

"I am Dorin Aunt Callie." he said to her.

"Just call me Callie." Dorin agreed he went and sat down next to her on the couch.

Dorin tell me exactly what had happened and how you ended up in the woods all by yourself she said standing in front of him. He begins to say Dad and mom didn't return from the mission and everyone was looking for them. He started to become teary-eyed she sat down next to him on the couch and rubbed his back and said to him Dorin I know it's difficult for you to open up but if you don't tell me then how will I be able to help you. Andrew also went to look for mom and dad he said, "who is Andrew?" she taught to herself. He said that he was all alone at home a redhead woman came near him and told him that his mom was waiting for him in the woods. He refused to go with her she said that his mom will be sad if she returned without him, he went with her and then she abandoned him. "Who is this lady?" She thought to herself and how dare she emotionally blackmail and abandoned my nephew she was furious. Dorin started to become drowsy she took him in her room and tucked him in the bed she made a quick call and asked for information on what had happened with her sister and her sister's spouse.

In the morning, they got a heartbreaking news that Dorin father and mother went missing after being attacked by the rogues no one knows what had happened to them. The investigation continued for months but after not finding any evidence they closed the case and assumed them dead. Dorin was devasted after hearing the news he refused to go back to his pack it took him some years to heal but he hadn't fully recovered. And one day he returned home saying that he wanted to take revenge on Andrew, he didn't tell her anything and walked away. she was shocked to see him acting like that he went from being an innocent boy to heartless person.

Flashback Ends


"Callie, I'd better get going now my pack is waiting for me." I said and stood up from my seat.

"Take care of yourself and don't forget to visit me." She hugged me before I left.

I never told her what had happened that day and why I changed so much. While I'm walking, I hear a familiar voice saying Alpha I turn to look I see my beta he comes running towards me and says Alpha Andrew's men are following us. What? I looked at him with disbelief is the girl safe? I questioned him and he said that she is safe, and they changed the route. when they saw that Andrew's men had been looking for them, he said to me that he has been searching for me for the last 5 minutes we need to get out of here as soon as possible I agreed with him, and we fled the place in no time.

Nick's Room


"When did you get interested in reading books about magical herbs?" I questioned Nick.

"When I was a teen, I read a book based on it I got curious and purchased some more but then I didn't have time to read it because Andrew started my alpha training, and my schedule became packed". he said to her.

"That explains it why some of them are brand new." She spoke.

"I had to show you something." he opens his nightstand drawer and returns with a bracelet in his hands.

"I can't believe you still have it." I was astonished when he showed me the bracelet which I had made for him when we were kids.

"I always kept it close to me." he said and sat next to me on the bed I hugged him.

"Aww you guys are so cute." Zoe when did you come in and is that our childhood album that you're holding in your hands? Nick questioned her.

"I had come to inform you that Andrew has called you to his pack house and its urgent, but I didn't want to interrupt your sweet moment and you guessed it right this our childhood album." she said in an enthusiastic voice.

Nick looked at me I knew he didn't want to leave he stood up from the bed and gave me a gentle smile and said "I'll be back soon" I smiled back at him he left the room. Zoe came and sat down next to me on the bed and began show me the photos.

"And this one is when Alex lost, he first tooth this picture always cracks me up, but he still looks so adorable though." she says and we began to laugh.

The next picture was of Nick and Alexander making silly faces there was a boy standing in between them he had a poker face. This boy looks familiar but where have I seen him, I tired recalling but was unsuccessful in it. I asked Zoe about him she told me that he was the son of the late Alpha of moon bond pack. She further said that he went missing after his parent's had gone for a mission and never returned nobody Knows what happened to them. Now I remembered when we visited Nick's house, we saw them with their son who was a year older to me. One day his mother forcefully made him play with us she was concerned that he might not have any friends because of his shy nature. The next day he came again I tried to begin a conversation with him, but it was of no use because he remained tight- lipped and sometimes he nodded. I found it weird but after a couple of days he began to start to talk when I asked him why he didn't talk to me earlier he said that he was shy, and he was not used to have girl as his friend I was his first girl friend he uttered. He was very attached to his parents he used to enjoy his own company but suddenly he stopped talking to me and coming to Nick's house and began avoiding me.

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