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I knock on Andrew's office door he says come in I enter his room and I'm left shocked at the sight before me. Andrew's hairs are dishevelled, files are scattered all around the room. Andrew is pacing the room nervously he stops when he sees me standing next to the door.

"Nick thank you for coming I know it is late, but I would have gone nuts if you hadn't shown up." he said and looked relived when he saw me.

"What's wrong with you Andrew and which storm hit your room?" I questioned him and he looked at me sheepishly.

"His alive but he is up to no good." he said to me in serious tone with his eyes wide open and there was a worried expression on his face.

"Who is alive and up to no good Andrew?" I gave him a puzzled look and questioned him he told me to take a seat.

I grasped the files that were kept on the chair and put them on the table before sitting on the chair Andrew also took his seat and he began to explain. After the party ended, we immediately interrogated the rogues they remained tight- lipped. We threatened them that if they didn't tell us they leave us with no choice, and we will have to kill them because they're of no use to us. We gave them another option that if they told us who was behind all this, we could spare their lives after hearing the second option they gave in and begin to describe the person to us. But their description didn't match to anyone whom we knew. Strangely they didn't know their leader's name they told us his address we spared their lives and warned them to not act smart and said that we were keeping an eye on them. We arrived at an old building I ordered my men to look around it, they informed me that they had already left. I walked in a room that I presumed to be an office I examined the room but when I didn't find anything I was about to step out when my eyes landed on a cracked photo frame. He began to show me the picture on his phone.

It was a picture from our childhood I didn't notice anything strange about it but when I observed, I noticed that only I and Andrew were marked in red maybe because me were the targets I taught to myself. Andrew said he was confused because only Dorin had that picture of us, and we had clicked it at his house when Valerie had visited us during the summer. He said Then my eyes shift to a bin which had a torn envelop in it, I picked it up and on the envelop it was written to Dorin.

"It's Dorin who is behind all this ?!" I was dumfounded at the new declaration I said to Andrew, and he nodded at me.

"But why is he doing this to us and especially to you after all that you have done for him." I said to Andrew.

"I have no idea why he is doing this and neither do I have time to sit and think where I went wrong in raising him. We need to catch him before he causes anymore destruction." His voice becomes serious the Andrew that I was seeing now was only thinking about his pack and family he didn't care about anything else.

"Nick, we need to be ready for war at any time and the information that I told you shouldn't be disclosed." That's all that I wanted to tell you he said, I agreed with him.

"I stood up for my seat to make a move." he stops me and says Nick before leaving there is one more thing I wanted to tell you.

"Assign more guards on the border I don't want to see anymore more rogues loitering around our territory." he said to me, I nod and left from his room.

Andrew was not his usual self and I get it Andrew loses his cool when it comes to his family and pack. I was immersed in my thoughts at that moment Andrew's mate Thalia greets me and speaks.

"Thank you for coming Nick, Andrew had been going insane from morning I have never seen him so tensed up before did he tell you anything?" she questioned me and had a worried expression on her face.

"Sorry Thalia but the information is confidential, and Andrew will be fine call me if you need any help." I said to her in a calm voice she nodded at me I said good night to her and drove to the mansion.

Nick's Mansion

I entered the mansion the question why was Dorin doing this to us? kept bothering me Ophelia comes and greets me she notices my strained face and asked me what had happened? I lied to her and said that I was just exhausted she gave me an incredulous look.

"Ophelia did Valeria Sleep?" I asked her and she said yes Alpha she was waiting for you, but she started to become drowsy I told her that you will arrive late and then she went to sleep I nodded at her and said goodnight to her and went straight in my room.

I didn't go in Valerie's room because I didn't want to disturb her sleep today's day was amazing but at the same time it was stressful. I had just got my happiness back, but it was short – lived when I found that my pack was in danger. I let out a sigh in exhaustion and fell on my bed I stared at the white ceiling of my room. I hear my phone beep I take it out from my pocket.

Message from the Sorceress

Sorceress - Meet me tomorrow at our spot at 10.00 am I need to tell you something and it's urgent. goodnight.

Nick – Okay, I'll be there. goodnight.

How can my night be good after finding out that my childhood friend whom I cared so much about wants to hurt my pack, I thought to myself. The only thing that has happened good today was Valerie's response when I told her that she was my mate. I close my eyes and Valerie's Smiling face pops in my mind and all the events that happened during the morning how thrilled and carefree we were I kept thinking about her my eyes began to feel heavy and I called it a night.

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