Painful Memories

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After being on the road for 4 hours the car finally pulled up Infront of a huge gate .It opened and he drove past it and parked the car. Alexander was the first one to get down from his seat after which he opened the door for us. He extended his hand towards me giving a polite smile I took his hand and moved out he was being a gentleman. The lights were turned on I found myself standing in front of villa. I was so mesmerized by it that I said it out loud dumb me.

"I'm glad you love my villa." He chuckled

"It's magnificent." I spoke looking at the gorgeous house.

He looked at me with his green, emerald eyes in a soft voice he said shall we procced I nodded we headed towards the house. He opened the door and let me in as we entered, I saw the two men with whom I was sitting in the car were standing out like security guards I was puzzled.

"Aren't they coming in."

"They're on duty."

I raised my eyebrows with suspicion at him he began to change the subject you must be exhausted he accompanied me to an elegant Livingroom which had massive windows , a 7 seater L shaped sofa , 65 inches tv , modern chandelier hanging from the ceiling that illuminated the whole room .But what grabbed my attention was the beautiful paintings all over the room which had a deep hidden meaning in them .I marvelled at them than my eyes fell on two paintings the first one emitted love two hands holding each other firmly the female hand had an infinity ring which represented everlasting love .The second painting was of a forest surrounded by enormous trees and in between them was a lake but instead of water flowing there was blood I could sense there was so much pain in .It brought back  painful memories that I didn't want to think about tears began to run down my face. Alexander who was standing by my side noticed it and rushed to grab a tissue from the table and handed it to me.

"Are you alright? is something wrong." He asked in a shaky and unclear voice

"I'm fine." I responded in subdued tone wiping the tears off my face

There was a pin drop silence for a moment he continued looking at me with furrowed eyebrows confusion was written all over his face. He was not buying it, this was not going to work I mumbled. I broke the silence by praising his paintings.

"Those paintings are wonderful; did you paint them yourself?"

"No, my mate did. She enjoys painting." He added

I was taken aback "your mate?" where is she? Is she sleeping? Why didn't I meet her? I began to bombard him with questions. Take it easy she is not here, but you will meet her very soon he chuckled.

He began to tell me more about his mate and her love for paintings we talked for some more time until I became drowsy. He noticed that and said come let me take you to your room you need to get some rest before we drive to airport in 2 hours, I began to stare at him wide – eyed we just arrived here a little while ago and his already talking about leaving. Is he for real you have got to be kidding me I whispered.

"Where are we going now." I asked out of curiosity.

"You'll know very soon." he smirked before leaving the room.

I was so worn out the minute my body touched the bed all the events that took place today being to play in my mind. How I escaped and got kidnapped and now I'm staying at a complete stranger's house and within a few hours will be on a flight with him. Should I even trust him? but I have nowhere else to go I let out a sigh engrossed in my thoughts my eyes began to slowly shut and I drifted off.

The Dream

I see my 6-year-old self, grasping my favourite warrior doll in my hand looking at my parents who are packing their bags.

"Are you leaving me again." I began to sob

"My precious, we will be back soon after we complete our mission." Mom said caressing my cheek giving me a warm smile.

"And after we get back the three of us will go hiking." Dad got down to my eye level and grinned speaking enthusiastically.

My mood quickly brightened at his words I was so happy that I let out a squeal they both giggled I gave them both a big bear hug.

It was time for them to leave before leaving mom and dad kissed my cheeks and as they began to depart, they started waving in my direction with their smiling face I waved back at them.

Few days later

I was dressed in all black standing Infront of two caskets my uncle holding my hand surrounded by pack members. I remembered the things my parents told me before parting I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer.

"Mom, dad you can't do this to me you said you will come back and will go on a hike together," I being to weep loudly sitting next to their coffins.


"We are sorry our sweet girl, mom and dad couldn't come back to you, but we really love you, and we will always be with you. Mom and dad must go now but remember what we thought you no matter what happens always keep your head held high and never let your guard down."

End of the dream

I hear someone calling out to me in a calm voice I open my eyes slowly and sit on the bed. I never got that dream in all these years could it be because of the painting? As I think I hear my named being called out again I look towards the door, I see Alexander standing next to it.

"Finally, your awake ready to leave Valerie?"

"Yes, let's go."

I had tears welled up in my eyes, but he didn't see I move down from the bed and was about to grab my bag, I got struck by a thought how does he know my name? I don't recall telling him I turn to ask him, but he already left.

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