Chapter Nine - Attack

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"Rudy!? Where are you?" My mom's worried voice fills my head.

"Lesli's. Is everything okay?"

"No. We're under attack. Stay where you are."

"Can I help?"

"Rudy. No . Stay there. Promise me you'll stay there."

"I promise."

"I love you. Me and your father both love you so much."

"I love you both too."

My teary eyes finally focus back onto reality. Megan's yelling from downstairs and I immediately jump up and run to the stairs.

"...Calista told me to watch her. We can't." Megan says to her family, unaware that I'm at the top of the stairs.

"Carter you stay with Rudy. Lesli and Ethan your with me and your father." Megan tells her kids.

"No I'm staying." Ethan says.

"Ethan we may-" drew starts.

"I'm staying, I'm not leaving her unprotected." Ethan finishes.

"She won't be unprotected. Your brother will be here." Megan tells him.

"Mom everyone in the continent knows whose kid she is, knows what kind of powers she could possess. I'm not leaving her."

Ethan turns around and his eyes immediately find mine, he gulps, then turns down the hallway, walking out of eye range.

I hurry down the stairs and hug my best friend.

"Stay safe." I say, only for her ears.


They quickly leave the house, leaving me and my mates alone.

I don't notice Carter moving until he pulls me into a tight hug.

"They're going to be okay." He says it like he's trying to convince not only me but himself.

"They will." I won't expect anything less.

I pull away and catch Ethan staring directly at me. My cheeks heat at his intense gaze but I quickly shake it.

"We need to stick together until everything's clear. We won't lose anyone tonight on my watch." Ethan says.

I nod, this isn't fun and games this is life or death.

I hurry and follow the lead of Ethan, making sure we got everything and turn off all necessary lights.

Once everything on "the Ethan list" is checked off we all stand in the kitchen with a heavy silence.

Anything could happen.

I glance at the time on this oven: two-thirteen A.M.

I yawn escapes my mouth.

"You guys can sleep. I got first watch." Ethan says, looking every bit of sexy, leaned up against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.

Stop. We're in the middle of an attack and all I can think about is jumping his bones.

"Well when you're as breathtaking as him..." Ellie trails off, a possessive growl forming in her throat.

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