Chapter sixteen - Vengeance

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I scream in pain as wave after wave of pain rolls through my body.

I used to think that people were overreacting when they told us Vampire bites hurt like a bitch.

They weren't kidding.

"Relax little mate it'll be over as soon as you know it." Morriston tries to sooth.

Fuck. That.

Thankfully, Ellie desides to come out and play.

The pain stops momentarily as my wolf takes over. White hot anger courses through my veins. Ellie had been blocking our bond but I somehow still felt it.

She was having strong emotions.

Anger isn't the only emotion that fills me. Pain. Pain for myself. Pain for my family. Pain for my mate.

"I'm going to rip you to shreds." Ellie grits out, a growl mixed in with her voice.

Using a foreign strength she shoves Morriston off of us; his body slams against the stone wall.

My hand flys up to my burning neck. I won't have long. I'll need to get the venom sucked out before it's too late.

I walk slowly toward his body. His blood red eyes look at me through hooded lids. However, I don't miss the wariness in his eyes as he looks up at me.


He should be afraid. Because I'm going to fucking kill him.

I lunge for his body. Ellie wants to shift but I want to do this. I'll use her strength but I want to be the one to do it.

She lets me.

I punch his face. Punch after punch after punch. I don't stop. Not when he screams so loud the whole continent could probably hear. Not when he starts to gurgle from chocking on his own blood. Not when his face is unrecognizable.

No, what stops me is the familiar scent of rain. My head snaps in the direction of a door slamming open.

"Rudy!" Ethan screams as his footsteps come near.

I take a quick glance at Morriston's limp body. It won't last long. Vampires are ridiculously fast at healing.

The scents of my parents and grandparents hit me. As well as Lesli, Megan, drew, and Preston.

"Oh goddess." Ethan whimpers as he comes into my cell. From Morriston's sudden attack, he didn't have time to close the door.

I guess the moon goddess was on my side for this one.

Ethan comes to stand directly in front of me. Tears streaming down his face and he falls to his knees in front of me.

I suddenly forget about every single person standing from the outside watching us as I drop down and pull his head against my chest.

"I'm sorry princess. I should be the one comforting you. I'm just so fucking glad to see you okay. With Carter-" I stop listening once he drops his name.

Carter wasn't here. I was hoping that it was some sick joke... that maybe Morriston had given me something to think something bad happened to Carter.  That maybe they used magic like they did with my grandparents.

But Carter wasn't here. Carters scent wasn't here. Carter was really... gone.

I make eye contact with My parents first. My mom's silently crying and my dad has a pitying look.

Then my eyes go to Lesli, Megan and drew. They're all crying. Even drew, whom I have never seen shed a tear. Ever.

Finally, my eyes go to meet Ethan's. He's still crying. And I understand that it's not all for me.

Because he lost his brother. It wasn't magic or a dream.

This is reality.

My palms find the floor and I let out a gut churning scream. I start to sob and scream again.

I don't think I stop doing that until I pass out.


My eyes flutter open and I suddenly wish I could go back to sleep when agony takes over my every being.

It's a pain that I have never felt before. A pain that I wouldn't wish on my greatest enemy.

I lay my hand flat on my chest and push slightly. It feels like there's a hole in my heart. A literal hole.

The door of my... hospital room... opens and rain fills the room. I inhale deeply. It doesn't mask the pain completely but it makes it slightly more bearable.

"Hey princess." Ethan tries to smile but it doesn't meet his eyes. "I'm glad you're awake."

He comes and takes the chair, already positioned by my bed. His hand finds mine and he smiles, kisses my forehead, then sits down in the chair.

I squeeze his hand tightly. Inhaling his scent deeper.

I take in his dark hair and hazel eyes. Strong jawline and flushed cheeks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks, smiling genuinely this time.

"You're just so beautiful." I say it before I can think. His cheeks blush even deeper this time and he grins.

His grin makes me grin and I squeeze his hand.

"So... what happened with Morriston?" I can't help but ask.

"Don't worry about it, princess. We took care of it." He answers, his jaw tight.

"Well I don't feel anything different so I guess the venom was sucked out?"

"Yes, thankfully, we got here just in time."

The door bursts open and we both look quickly as my parents and grandparents walk in.

"Oh! My baby!" Mom rushes over to the empty side of my bed. She takes my other hand and her eyes start to water again.

"I'm okay mom. I promise." Dad joins her, he smiles at me. It's a small comforting smile.

"I'll give you guys a minute." Ethan murmurs and starts to walk out the door. But as he gets farther and farther away the pain seeps back. Before I know it I'm shouting at him.

"Ethan! No ! Stay!" He turns back to face me with a questioning face. But grandma Allison speaks up before I get the chance.

"It helps with the pain. Trust me, I know that feeling all too well." She seems to go into a trip down memory lane as grandpa Ashton wraps his arms around her.

Ethan comes back to my side. He can't hide his smile when I snatch his hand quickly.

He's not leaving my side anytime soon. Not if I have anything to do about it.


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've been pretty busy and haven't wanted to write but I hope you enjoy chapter sixteen and I'll see you in the next one.


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