Chapter Ten - attention

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"Hey love..." Carter's voice trails off and I feel him take my hand, lacing his fingers through mine.

I try to open my eyes, to move my fingers, to do anything. But I can't. My brain seems to be the only thing that's working at the moment. Even my connection to Ellie isn't responsive.

"Everyone's okay. Lesli and mom and dad made it back. As far as I know your family is okay too..."

Talk.. please. Respond. Move. But I can't.

"I really need you to wake up. I'm a reck without you I could hardly function knowing that you were in danger and... I still can't."

I wonder if I stop breathing when he said that. It felt like it. He can't function without me?

Goddess... if I could just wake up...

Wait... is this a dream? No. It feels entirely to real. I can feel Carter's presence I can feel the heat coming off of his body and warming mine. His breath fanning my arm and the stroke of his thumb on the back of my hand.

The way I react to his presence is real. I know it.

"Please wake up. I don't know what to do. I've been scared of the idea that you'll want Ethan more but now that I thought I was going to lose you, I don't care. So please if there's even a slight chance that you're listening to me right now, wake up for us. Wake up for me."

I feel his lips on my forehead then a few moments later the soft click of the door.

Wake up for me..

I want to, Goddess, do I want to. I'm just so tired...

"Her vitals haven't changed. There's nothing more we can do. We drained the silver from her body, the rest is up to her." A voice I don't recognize says.

"What if she doesn't choose to come back? You said yourself it's up to her..." Lesli's voice fills my ears.

I want to tell her that I will. I will come back. I'll choose them. But I can't. What if I really don't wake up? what if it really isn't up to me...?

"Oh, Rudy..." Megan says, sighing. "Lesli told me everything. Truthfully, I've always saw you as my daughter but I'm glad it's going to be official. Fight for them. Fight for Carter and Ethan; I know you can."

Fight for them. Fight for Carter and Ethan.

Her words repeat in my mind over and over again.


"It's been a week love. You need to wake up. Your parents are worried sick and me and Ethan are too. So is everyone else."

Then why hasn't Ethan come to see me? Maybe he has and I was just asleep..?

"Wake up." Ellie says and my eyes suddenly open. Well, they attempt to. The white lights are blinding and I pull my arm to my face. Thankfully they work now too.

"Thank the goddess." Carter says kissing my cheek. "I have to get the doctor, I'll be right back."

I finally settle my eyes enough to glance around the bland room. It was an ordinary hospital room.

"Rudy!" Lesli whisper yells and lightly jogs over to my bed. "You have no idea how happy I am that you're awake. But You scared the ever loving shit out of me!"

"Sorry?" I say, smiling slightly.

"It's good to see you awake." Megan says walking up beside Lesli. Carter walks to the other side of my bed and sits in the chair.

Yet, there's still no sign of Ethan.

Guessing my thoughts Megan says, "He'll be back soon." 

But where did he go? I don't ask but it's the main question on my mind when the doctors tell me I'm free to go and we drive back to Megan's house.

And he was in fact "not back soon." I didn't see Ethan at all for the rest of the day.


The sound of Carter's steady heartbeat under my cheek makes me calm. I snuggle closer into him, if that's even possible, and sigh. He rubs my back in an up and down motion.

The doctor told me I needed to be on bed rest and Carter took that information religiously. I didn't mind. I like the attention from my mate. I hate the fact that I can't focus on one when I'm worried about the other.

"That's the mate bond for you." Ellie mutters.

The slam of the door startles me and I sit up to see. However, the scent of rain fills my nose before Ethan inters the room, telling me he's the one who's finally arrived.


My blood boils when he hardly gives me a second glance. But I stop him.

I grab onto his shoulder and turn him toward me with force.

"Seriously?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.


"I got out of the hospital yesterday, Ethan. Yesterday. Not only did you not visit at all but you didn't even bother to stop by." The realization hurts more than I expected.

My heart cracks and I actually stumble. Carters hand on my lower back helps but only slightly.

"I don't know what you want me to say-" he starts but I cut him off.

"I want you to care!" I yell, finally losing my patience. "I want you to act like you give a shit about me! I want you to be happy when I don't die! I want you to be there for me! I want you, Ethan!"

He gulps and averts his eyes from mine.

"Maybe you should-" Carter starts.

"No, this is long overdue." I finish.

But then he looks back at me, his expression was serious, but I liked how it softened slightly. Like the way he looked at me was different than I'd seen him look at anyone else.

The panic in his voice whenever I was stabbed tells me there's something for me. Whether it's the mate bond or not there is something.

"I'm not..." Ethan finally starts, his voice surprisingly soft. "...good. I'm not good for you. I never will be good for you. I'm not the guy you read romance novels about. I'm not the guy that makes you kick your feet and smile. And that's the guy you deserve, but that's not me." Then he turns to walk away and yet again I stop him.

"You have no right to tell me what's good for me and what's not. I'll be the judge of that. You are mine, Ethan. You both are mine." I say looking at Carter then directing my attention back to Ethan. "And whether you like it or not, you both are made for me. I want you both."

Ethan crashes his lips to mine and I groan. Finally.

Maybe he is bad for me. But when he smiles, when I'm the reason he smiles, I only see the good in him.


I love them ;)


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