Chapter Two

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Alex: Hey it's Alex. You still up for tonight? I just got my mom dropped off at her place. John is coming shortly. 🙄 If not....I am going home. I am all yours if you want me. XOXO

Jack smiled down at his phone as he pulled his Rolls Royce into his garage. He was ecstatic to have the opportunity to sleep with Alex. they were a perfect combo. Jack  was into younger men and Alex was into older men. Or so it seems.

In that moment- Jack's grateful his engagement never worked out because...he is well... very gay. He was afraid to tell anybody until after his grand father died and when his grandfather passed, Jack was able to come out the way he wanted to.

Jack:Get your Gorgeous ass over here. My address is: 34 Sherman drive,Beverly Hills. XOXO

Alex: You rich bitch. Making me drive to Beverly Hills.

Jack: I will make it worth it.

Jack locked his phone. Deciding to take a quick shower before Alex got there as he assumed he wouldn't be there for a little bit. Jack tried to remain calm while he was in the shower.

He's never met somebody who he was attracted to so deeply, so quickly.

As Alex got older, Jack always thought he was attractive. Jack honestly wanted to get to know Alex more. But, always thought it was inappropriate,  and since Jack hasn't really seen Alex in two years. Alex was busy working as a movie producer.

Today, Alex took him by surprise. Alex has been taking the lead. Jack was never going to turn it down.

Alex was absolutely gorgeous, and despite their 15 year age difference, Jack still found himself wondering what if... And to be fair - their age difference didn't seem to bother Alex either. In fact, if it was anything, it was just a flirtatious joke between them already.

Jack was excited to see where this might go. Would it be a friends with Benefits? Would it be a one night stand? Would it blossom into something more? Jack was unsure and that unsure feeling made him unsettled. Everything about Jack's life was stable. He was in charge of a good and wealthy company, he had a good roof over his head, his life was stable.

The only thing he was missing was someone to share it with. was that person Alex? He was unsure. But... Alex would at least satisfy a deep hunger that was within Jack.

Deep in thought Jack spent a little too long in the shower. As Jack got out of the shower, he heard his doorbell ring.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He exclaimed wrapping himself in a towel. Deciding to answer the door in nothing but a towel.

He walked to the front door and opened it. Alex was standing there in a leather jacket and the same outfit he had earlier.

"Hey I texted but..."

Alex trailed off as he  took in Jack's mostly naked form.

"Subtle Jack. Subtle." Alex said with a smirk.

Jack ushered Alex into the house. Taking his jacket from him, hanging it up by the door.

"Sorry I was trying to take a quick shower and I got lost in thought ... I was uh...exiting the shower as my doorbell rang." Jack admitted sheepishly

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