Chapter Fourteen

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Sarah barges into Jack's office, her steps heavy with determination, and slams the door shut behind her, the sound echoing in the room. Jack, startled, looks up from his desk, his expression quickly shifting from surprise to apprehension as he sees the fire in Sarah's eyes.

"How could you do this to my boy?" Sarah's voice cuts through the air like a blade, her tone a mix of anger and anguish. "You do not get to break his heart into a million pieces!"

So Alex is upset with me... Fuck. He really does love me. To the point he went and cried to his mom.

Jack straightens in his chair, attempting to assert his authority. "Sarah, I understand you're upset, but you can't speak to me like this. I'm still your superior."

Sarah scoffs, her fists clenched at her sides. "Don't you dare try to hide behind your title. You hurt Alex, Jack. You left him standing there, pleading for some kind of explanation, and you said nothing. How could you be so heartless?"

Jack sighed frustratedly.

"Is Alex putting you up to this? Is he trying to guilt-trip me through you?" Jack asked defensively.

Sarah scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Do you really think Alex would stoop to such a manipulative level? He's hurt, Jack, he came to my house crying over a boy, and I didn't even originally know it was you, and he deserves better than this."

Sarah pointed at Jack, accusing him, And offended Jack would think Alex is so childish as to 'call his mommy'.

Jack narrowed his eyes. "I just find it hard to believe that you're here on your own accord, without Alex whispering in your ear."

Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Alex isn't even aware that we're having this conversation. And frankly, he'd probably be upset if he knew. He's a grown man, Jack, capable of his own emotions and actions."

Jack's facade wavers, she had a point. Realizing this, Jack decides he should reveal the conflict within him.

"I didn't know how to handle it, Sarah. I never expected Alex to feel that strongly about me. I care for him, I do, but I'm not sure I'm capable of loving him the way he deserves."

Sarah's anger softens slightly- trying to be understanding, though her disappointment remains palpable.

"Maybe it's worth exploring, Jack." she says quietly, her voice laced with uncertainty. "I don't know how I feel about it all, but I want Alex to be happy. And it seems like you make him happy, even if you're not sure about your own feelings."

Jack nodded. "Maybe you're right... but he hates me. I embarrassed him and made him feel unheard. I am not sure how to move us into a different phase, and frankly I worry about how to be romantic with him. I have been in such a physical space with him for so long."

Sarah sighed. "He fell in love with you for some reason, he must've been seeing something romantic and loving in you. He mentioned that you guys had a moment at the wedding?"

Jack nodded, remembering his weekend away with Alex fondly.

"We did. He was so sweet and my mom even liked him. I messed up then too, there is another guy named Christopher and he and I have a lot of history, and he was there and I neglected Alex then too, and yet he kept coming back to me." Jack said truthfully.

It hit Jack. Alex kept coming back. Alex really did see through all of Jack's mistakes and forgave him, regardless of the way they hurt him. No one does that for no reason.

"Fuck. He does love me. He deserves a chance. I can't keep being scared. I can't keep pretending that he isn't worth it." Jack spoke out loud as he came to the realization.

"Yeah. Now come to terms with that in your own time. But apologize to my son at least." Sarah said.

Jack nodded. "Understood."


Alex is lying in bed, he has been home wallowing in Ice Cream and self pity. He was watching his favorite movies series, Harry Potter. He has just started Goblet of Fire(his favorite) his phone vibrates.

Alex peered at the all too bright screen,picked it up and looked at the notification. A shockwave went through his body when he saw it was a text from Jack.

Jack: Hey Alex, can we meet up? Please? There's something important I need to talk to you about.

Alex: Oh, uh, hey Jack... I don't know if that's a good idea.

Alex sent a response instantly, his want to see Jack outweighed his need to. Alex wished for nothing more than at least a conversation with Jack.

Jack: Why not? We need to talk about this face to face. Please, just trust me.

Alex: I'm just... scared, Jack. Scared that if I see you again, all those feelings will come rushing back and I won't be able to handle it.

Alex was being honest. He was worried what seeing Jack would do to him and his broken heart. But he would be lying if he didn't trust Jack. Jack was asking Alex to trust him...

Jack: I understand, but I promise it's important. Just this once, can you trust me?

Alex:Okay, fine. Let's meet. But don't expect me to be happy about it.

Jack: I Wouldn't expect you to be.

Alex crawled out of bed and went and showered for the first time in days, and he tried to make himself presentable while he waited for Jack to send him further information.

Alex was vibrating in excitement, he was trying to stay guarded and while he was  excited, he was completely terrified. He was worried it was all some cruel joke. Alex loved him, that was the simple way to explain it, everything else besides that simple truth was far more complicated.

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