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Sumbul gets ready on time the next day and leaves for the new office.

Actually Sumbul had got a job at Fahmaan's supporters' place who used to involve Fahmaan in business. He had kept Sumbul without any interview because Sumbul has worked in Fahmaan's office and has a lot of knowledge about it. Those people were enemies of Fahmaan and were not good people.

For his own benefit he hired Sumbul so that she could help him against Fahmaan. The name of Sumbul's new boss was Rohit Mehra. Who was handsome or a lusty boy.

Sumbul has just parked her scooty outside the office when Fahmaan arrives there..

Fah....     Hi miss sharma. Good morning.

Sumbul turns and gets surprised seeing her ex-boss there. Sumbul does not answer him and starts leaving from there. But Fahmaan catches her hand.

Fah.....    Itni bhi kya akad hai.  Ki morning wish nhi kar sakti.          ...... Fahmaan said with a little anger.

Tameej hai aapko. Ye aap ka office nhi hai yahan aap jo chahe kar sakte hai. Hath chhodiye Mera.       .....Sumbul also said this in an angry tone. 

Sorry ...          Fahmaan said while leaving her hand.

Good luck for the first day.       ....... Fahmaan said while cheering her.

Thank you si....   Mr khan.        .....Sumbul said.

Don't call me mr khan. I also have a name, call me by my name.        ....... Fahmaan said.

Sumbul left from there without saying a word.

Sum pov

He is behaving strangely, is he crazy? Earlier he was very rude and adamant, now he behaves so sweetly with me.     ....Sumbul is thinking this in hee mind.

Sumbul does her work very well and everyone likes her work very much. Today she spent the day happily without any fear but still she was missing her arrogant boss, don't know why.

What is happening to me?  Main us akdu ko kyu miss kar rahi hu. Kyu mujhe vo yaad aa raha hai.    .......Sumbul comes out of the office thinking all this. And once again she is surprised.

Fahmaan was sitting in his car on the road in front and he was looking at Sumbul.

what is happening? Has he gone mad or have I gone mad? Now what is he doing here?    
What is it to you Sumbul, you do your work and understand that he is not in front of you.       ...She says all these things in her mind and starts walking towards the parking.

Sumbul starts her scooty and quietly passes by Fahmaan.

what the fuck. How did she go like this?    ....... Fahmaan says this in his breathe. and starts the car and goes behind the sumbul.

Fahmaan increases the speed of the car and there is a face to face  with Sumbul.

How can you come ignoring me? I was waiting for you there.     ..... Fahmaan said to Sambul from the car window.

Oh no.  Why are you troubling me? I did not tell you to wait for me.      .....Sumbul also said this while driving a scooter.

Stop the side.     ........ Fahmaan said.

No why.      ........Sumbul said.

Both kept saying this to each other for some time. But Sumbul did not stop and increased the speed a little and went ahead and because of the traffic Fahmaan could not catch her.

Shittt.        ..... Fahmaan abuses with some anger in his mouth.

Sumbul was upset with Fahmaan's action. She was unable to understand whether she was gone mad  or her boss had gone mad.

Today Sumbul's friend Shreya came to her house.Sumbul shares everything with her and Shreya jokingly says that maybe both of you have started feeling a little love in your hearts for each other.

Sumbul was drinking water and all the water fell out of her mouth and she started coughing.

What love and that too with that akadu. no no no.        .....Sumbul says with surprise.

Look, now you have started coughing too. Meaning it is really the feelings of love. .................,Shreya patted her on the back.

Shreya was deliberately teasing Sumbul because she knew that her friend also did not know the meaning of love.And she is very innocent.

Haaaaa  now I have fallen in love, so what will happen now Shreya.      ....Sumbul is said to be by making a face.

Arey it won't happen. You didn't make any face  I was just joking.       Shreya said.

Then both of them go to have dinner.

On the other hand, Fahman himself was not able to understand what he was doing.He used to hate her but when he remembers that love-filled scene, he forgets everything and does whatever his heart says. His heart desired that no matter how Sumbul was, she should remain in his sight. And she does not do any work for anyone else, she just works in the office.

Because he had got a very big project which would be of great benefit to his company.And he wanted Sumbul to help him in this project because Sumbul's thinking and dedication is very good. And he likes the work of Sumbul's very much even if he hates her.

He knew that now Sumbul will not come to him so easily, so he will play a game to get her to him. And he has started that game.

Now no matter how much he has to struggle, he will bring the sumbul to him. Because he cannot lose this project and he can do this project only with the help of Sumbul.

I will bring you back to my office only Miss Sumbul Sharma. This is a promise from Fahmaan Khan himself. Whatever work this Khan takes up once, he completes it only after doing it.      ...... Fahmaan talks to himself.


HIS BETRAYAL AND HIS IMMENSE LOVE❤️💞💞Where stories live. Discover now