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After two months, Sumbul had started her ninth month. Her stomach had bulged out and was very big. Her feet had also started swelling and she could not even walk much. Moreover, her children used to trouble her a lot. Both those babies needed their mom and dad along with them. Fahmaan had to go to office all the time and Sumbul had to bear the troubles of her babies.

Once both of them did not let them sleep for the whole night. Both the babies kept kicking Sumbul and Fahmaan kept caressing his hand on Sumbul's stomach. Actually Fahmaan was not allowing Sumbul to eat chocolate and Babies liked chocolate because Sumbul was craving for chocolate. And when Sumbul did not eat, they started kicking, Then Fahmaan gave up and gave chocolate to Sumbul and then all four of them slept comfortably.

Both their babies were very naughty. Right now they are in just Tommy, so troubling them so much, what will they do when they are grow up?

Next morning Fahmaan carries his three babies in his arms and brings them down to the hall. Sumbul could not climb many stairs, so Fahmaan used to bring her down in the morning and take her upstairs to their room after returning from the office.

Sumbul's favorite breakfast was prepared as usual. Omlait.    Everyone sat down to have breakfast and Sumbul ate three omelettes and the rest had just eaten one. Everyone laughs at her and Sumbul also.

Then like every day the boys went to their work and the ladies stayed at home.  After some time, mother massaged Sumbul's feet. Ma massaged Sumbul's feet with hot oil and Sumbul got a lot of relief.

Mother tied a thread of protection to her because her ninth month had started and labor pain could start at any time.  This is how both mother and daughter spent their day taking care of each other. These days, Sumbul was not to be left alone and someone always stayed at home with her to take care of her.

After a few days, there was a very important meeting in the office and mom and dad were going to Delhi for a wedding there. And Harshad also had to go out somewhere for a meeting.

No one had the desire to go anywhere because everyone had to go on the same day. And Sumbul was alone at home. Sumbul somehow sent everyone to their work saying that if I don't feel well even a little bit then I will call Fahmaan.

Everyone agreed to Sumbul's repeated request but they did not feel like going and it was necessary to go. Mom and dad left in the morning itself. Harshad went after having breakfast. And Fahmaan left when the meeting was about to begin.

Fahmaan hugged Sumbul, kissed her forehead and stomach and then went to the office. He did not feel like leaving Sumbul alone like this.

Fahmaan had kept all the things near her what Sumbul needed. So that she does not have to get up and walk again and again.

As soon as Fahmaan left, Sumbul felt a pain as pinch, very strong and she groaned. Then the pain became worse and her water came out. She gathered courage and started caressing her stomach. And started taking deep breaths.

Babies plz thoda wait kro apne dad ko aa Jane do.              ......Sumbul said with tears in her eyes.

She was crying but these tears were of happiness and also of pain. Then when her pain subsided a little, she called Fahmaan but the call was not connected.

Then she tried to call Harshad but she disconnected it thinking that he would be disturbed. After some time she started feeling pain again and she again caressed her stomach and took deep breaths.

Half an hour passed like this and then she started having labor pains. She called Fahmaan once again. This time he took the phone in the ring itself.

Hello Fahmaan jaldi Ghar aayo. My water has flowed.     ...Sumbul said only this.

It was only from her voice that Fahmaan knew that she was in labor pain. He disconnected the call and left in the car.

He was about to call Sumbul himself but he got Sumbul's call. He drove at full speed and within a short time he reached home. He opened the car window and picked up Sumbul in his arms, made her sit in the car and drove to the hospital.

Sumbul was taken to the operation theater and Fahmaan was outside. He was unable to see her in this condition nor was he able to hear her screams. His own breathing had stopped. His heart was beating so hard that it seemed as if it was out of his chest.

Then after some time he hears the baby crying and he gets a little relieved and tears come out of his eyes.  And he was smiling too.

He sat on the chair outside and then a nurse came out and told that you are left with twins, a boy and a girl. Fahmaan smiled and thanked the nurse as he now had to see his babies quickly.

He would sit there and start thinking about his babies and how they would look like. And my princess will be exactly like her mother.

Fahmaan wanted both the girls but he got the prince along with the princess. Then he called his and Sumbul's family and told them that they both had a princess and a prince.

Then Sumbul was shifted to the ward room and Fahmaan went inside to meet his wife and his babies.


HIS BETRAYAL AND HIS IMMENSE LOVE❤️💞💞Where stories live. Discover now