Separation of Family (Part 1)

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Regarding the case in the Ding capital where Shen Yuan mistakenly killed Sun Cai Nan, the case was trialled in the most vigorous and fast manner never seen before. First, it was Sun Tian Zheng who submitted a report in court, requesting for Shen Yuan to pay a debt of blood with blood, and if it was not done then he would be forced to retire due to his old age, practically threatening Emperor Wen Hui that he would quit his job and responsibilities.

As compared to Shen Gui, the Minister of Personnel was clearly more important, and Sun Tian Zheng had already been in the position for many years and developed a network of connections, but if there was a sudden change of person, then one fear that there will be chaos. Emperor Wen Hui naturally had to appease Sun Tian Zheng. Secondly how would the censors, who usually point out the official's mistakes, let go of a manslaughter case. Taking into consideration that Sun Tian Zheng had already lost a son and it would be difficult to talk about it, the censors focussed their impeachment on Shen Gui.

The most surprising thing was Shen Gui's attitude. He knelt in front of Emperor Wen Hui and guaranteed with tears and snoot, that this matter was due to his failure to educate his son and was willing to place righteousness before family, and let Shen Yuan pay a life with a life.

When those words were reported, they stunned all the civil and military officials in court.

Even though those words seemed to be strictly impartial and incorruptible, he actually did not argue that his son did not start it first, but promised straightforwardly to pay a life with another life, which was just inhuman. Shen Gui was indeed smooth and slick in establishing social relations, but even a tiger, though cruel, would not devour its cubs. This move made those colleagues who usually had good relations with him, to remain at a respectful distance from now on.

The ministers stood at the side of Sun Tian Zheng in succession, and when Emperor Wen Hui asked the Princes' opinions, all nine Princes invariably stood with Sun Tian Zheng. Even if one did not show one's attitude, almost everyone knew where the case was heading towards.

Shen Yuan's beheading order was to be carried out three days later. This was most likely the fastest beheading order in Ming Qi's history, and there was practically no way to reverse the verdict or resist it, it was just a direct conviction. Even though there was the factor of the Sun family pushing the wave and adding to the billows, the Shen family's inaction was the biggest reason. Even if other people were secretly pushing, it would not have mattered.

In the dark prison, Shen Yuan sat in the innermost cell. His hair was dishevelled and he had not washed for a few days, that now there was a sour smell coming out from him. His usually calm appearance now looked a little frantic and was covering up some brief sense of despair.

Someone sneaked in yesterday night and fed him mute medication so now he could not even speak. Shen Yuan himself knew who was the one that did that, and who possessed those remarkable abilities that one even dare to break into prison.

Fu Sehun would not come to save him. Initially he still had a little strain of hope but after carefully thinking it through, he then knew that it would more harmful than helpful for Fu Sehun to save him. That man was an expert in avoiding trouble so he would definitely not take this risk. On the contrary, Shen Yuan's existence to Fu Sehun had already became a chess piece that did not know it's place. So naturally Fu Sehun would eradicate without any mercy.

By feeding him a mute medication might not necessary mean that one did not want to kill him, but with Fu Sehun's cautious nature, most probably one fear that it might be suspicious if he died in the prison.

A bitter smile slowly appeared on Shen Yuan's lips. If successful one was called a king and if defeated one was called a bandit. He had known what kind of person Fu Sehun was at the beginning. When one work under Fu Sehun, one must already be prepared that there was a possibility that one's ending was as such, but he did not expect that the ending arrived so quickly.

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