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213: Previous Lifetime I

The yellow sands were thick and the wind was blowing strongly. There were many wind and frost during the journey and the sun, moon and stars were just mere embellishments.

There were only a few scattered guards that were escorting and they were not respectful to the person in the carriage.

A young lady that looked like a maid walked over from the back of the carriage and jumped into it before handling a bowl of porridge to the person inside, "Your Ladyship, the porridge has somewhat cooled but it is still edible. There is no shop in front or back thus it is better if you take a mouthful."

The female in the horse carriage was young but her expression was rather haggard. Her clothes were not very delicate and when one looked closely, it was the style of a few years ago and it was not fitting as she was thin. She parted the curtains and asked, "Where is one now?"

"After going a little while more, one would be able to be on the official road before night fall." Bai Lu smiled, "This servant had asked those people and one would be able to reach Ding capital within five days."

Shuang Jiang also smiled, "Upon returning to the Palace, Your Ladyship's suffering will come to an end."

"Suffering will come to an end." Shen Lisa laughed bitterly, "But the people who died would not return."

She was talking about Jing Zhe and Gu Yu. Hearing that, Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang had sorrow in their eyes and they no longer spoke.

In order to win over an official, Jing Zhe became a concubine and in the first year when Shen Lisa was in Qin country, she had gotten news that she was beaten to death by the official's wife on some reason. As for Gu Yu... Shen Lisa clenched her fist. She died in HuangFu Hao's hands protecting her.

Five years. Five whole years. The five years in Qin country had grinded the last traces of arrogance and delicateness from her. She gritted her teeth and took in everything so that she could return back to her country and reunite with her pair of children. However the heavy cost of it was not something that an outsider could speak about.

How heard can this journey be? There were not many guards who were escorting and just by looking at this carriage, who would think that this belonged to an Empress of a country? At the beginning, those people that she brought over to Qin country were either dead or left in the five years. Just like the entire journey back, if there was no Mo Qing protecting, she would definitely not be able to return alive.

Shen Lisa sighed. Fortunately all the sufferings were not in vain. Five years had finally passed.

Just as she was thinking, it was time for the carriage to continue its journey but instead of leaving, there was some noise in front.

She frowned slightly and parted the carriage's curtain, asking, "What is going on?"

Mo Qing walked over from the front, "Had encountered a strange person who came over to request for water to drink." Before the voice landed, one saw a gray clad tattered old man appearing behind him and spoken with joy when he saw Shen Lisa, "Furen, one is going to die of thirst. Do give one some water to drink."

This old man wore strangely and there was a stench emitting from his entire body. He stared at one straightforwardly, making one feel suspicious. It was not that one did not want to give him some water to drink but because of Shen Lisa's special identity, one fear that something would happen if one encounter an ill-intended person. Mo Qing instructed others to pull this old man away and not let him near Shen Lisa. However Shen Lisa laughed, "There is drought along the way and the Heavens did not pleased. One bowl of water is equal to a life. Give it to him. Ben... I do not lack of one bowl of water to drink."

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