part 4

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Next day when y/n was going to enter the university she saw that Jungkook was waiting for someone on his black bike.

Next day when y/n was going to enter the university she saw that Jungkook was waiting for someone on his black bike

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Jungkook saw y/n and waved his hand . Y/n came to Jungkook and said "hi"
Jungkook: hi , good morning.
Y/n : morning. You are early today. I mean you don't come college in this time .
Jungkook : hmm. I came early today. In his mind " who wants to come this early morning, just because I made a promise to Hana i have to handle her .. ughh!"
Y/n : let's go.
Then they both went towards their classroom as they have same subjects. After some classes Jungkook went to washroom and Hana followed him.
Hana : are you doing what I told you to do?
Jungkook : yeah yeah I'm doing can't you see that I have to talk with that nerd !! She is so stupid...
Hana: hmm I know but don't fall for her. You are mine understand?
Jungkook: who is gonna fall for that nerd? And I'm yours babe .
Then they both went to their classes. In the lunch time Jungkook got up from his seat and said y/n who is reading a book " will you not go to cafeteria?" .
Y/n : no you go I will not eat. I have to finish this chapter.
Jungkook: okay.
After the classes Jungkook and y/n was walking towards the main gate .
Y/n : "okay bye see you day after tomorrow!" As it is Sunday tomorrow And then she started to walk.
Jungkook : wait y/n.
Y/n : what Jungkook?
Jungkook : should I drop you at home?
Y/n : are you sure?
Jungkook : yeah I have a extra helmet, put on it.
Then y/n hopped on Jungkook's bike and he started it .

They reached y/n's home and she came down from his bike

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They reached y/n's home and she came down from his bike.
Jungkook : mmmh y/n can I ask you something?
Y/n : what is it Jungkook?
Jungkook: are you free tomorrow?
Y/n : yeah I don't have any plan tomorrow so I'm free.
Jungkook: will you go on a date with me?
Y/n's cheeks were turning crimson red .
Y/n : o-okay.. she ran from there . Jungkook was scratching back of his head . In his mind " did I do too much?"
Y/n opened the door and ran upstairs in her room . She closed the door and fell on the bed while blushing mess.. in her mind " he asked me for a date? Oh my god.. is this true or am I dreaming?".

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