part 16

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After that day y/n started to thinking Rachel's word. " Did Taehyung really love me? I never noticed this before. Just because he wanted me to comfortable around him he never told me about his feelings? Can someone love this much? "

Then she following his actions, he stopped talking too much with her after that incident, just only talk for business purpose. She felt bad as he did not talk with her like before. But never stopped caring for her , he always take care of her health .

Right now , y/n got periods and she was having  bad cramps. She came out of washroom and sat down on bed while holding her stomach. She winced in pain " ouch" .

Y/n : this is going too much , how can I go to project area? ( While tearing up )

Then Taehyung came and saw that y/n was sitting in bed , she was back facing him that's why he did not saw her teary face.

Taehyung : ( cold voice ) y/n , why are you not ready yet? You know we have to go project area today?

She looked at him and said " i-i am sorry b-but can you go a-alone?"

He saw her teary face and become worried. He cupped her face , he couldn't hold himself as he care for her moreover love her .

Taehyung : hey , hey what happened? Why are you crying?

Y/n did not tell him anything because she thought what Taehyung will think about her that she is crying because of periods ? He saw nervousness in her eyes .

Taehyung : you can tell me y/n-ah?

Oh god, after so many days she is listening his soft and caring voice .

Y/n : actually I'm on my periods.

Taehyung : and you are having cramps?

Y/n nodded .

Taehyung : you could have told me y/n , seriously ( he shook her head )

Y/n  : I know this will happen, now he will think I'm a crybaby ( in mind)

Taehyung : wait I'll call Jungkook and tell him that we will not come today.

Y/n : we? Are you not going?

Taehyung : have you gone mad? You are here in pain and I'll leave you? Do you think me as a stone-hearted person?

Y/n smiled in cramps pain " he cares for me" thought in mind.

Taehyung : hello Jungkook? Actually we will not come today. No no it's nothing serious actually I'm not feeling well and I'll not let y/n go alone. We will see the work from the camera, okay? Yeah bye.

Y/n : why did you lie?

Taehyung came closer to her and bend down to her eye level and said " only I will care about my girlfriend, or no one" .

Y/n blushed but his next line made her sad " though I'm your fake boyfriend but I'm your friend still now , so I can help you right? " . Y/n nodded.

She thought in mind " I made him sad  , you're so stupid y/n. But don't worry I'll make up to you ".

That day Taehyung work from room and took care of y/n. She really felt love by only his actions. She thought about how to make up to Taehyung. Then a idea came up in her mind and she smiled internally.

After somedays the project had finished. They threw a party as the project went successful.

Party night , Taehyung was waiting for y/n . Then he heard heel clicking sound on floor . He looked , his heart stopped beating.

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