જ➴ chapter two.

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Chapter 02 :
"The Ramyeon Shop"

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"궁금해 Next Page" by IVE

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: : from Sun-hee's perspective

Staring out at the heavy pouring rain from the crystal clear glass window of a small ramyeon shop isn't the best idea if you ask a rain hater. That's what my state is. I hate rain and what I hate even more is not having an umbrella while such heavy rain is at the door.

Rolling my eyes as the frustration built up inside me, I ought to decide to run away in the rain but still somewhat at the idea of being completely drenched from head to toe wasn't suiting me so I decided to stay still.

It surely will feel like the rain somehow stuck to my skin, laughing at me as if to say, "Pathetic. You're all alone, again." *This is so annoying.* The miserable rain and the frigid romance.

Then shifting my attention from the window to the bowl of hot ramyeon placed at the table in front of me, I started munching it down.

Now the little time I had with me again decided to be wasteful when a sudden thought of Sunghoon crossed my mind. My mind immediately ran at the speed of light and I was again face to face with the memory of our first date. Right here at this window seat by the table, straight after I confessed to him under the cherry blossom tree to which he agreed and made me the happiest girl in the world.

Scanning the surroundings, I took out my same brown diary and placed it on the table to read it. This time I won't cry because the past is in the past and it'll be a good way to pass some moments until the rain stops while reading the starting few entries. The one where everything began.

Dear Diary,
The weather was at its peak to make it more memorable for me. The dark clouds were scattered all over the vast scene and the ethereal figure stood under the full blossomed cherry tree. He was in his brown overcoat, and black pants and with that white muffler on he looked as if he came straight out of some manhwa. I inhaled and exhaled a series of heavy breaths and was now confident to confess to him. Park Sunghoon. My first love.

What to say about me being more embarrassed he looked at my direction and waved out his hand with a broad smile, the smile that already took my heart and made it his. I waved back with the same sweet aura and took my steps to catch up with him. He's the boy I fell in love with at second sight. That's right.

There's a japanese phrase that I like : Koi No Yokan
It doesn't mean love at first sight. It's closer to love at second sight. It's the feeling when you meet someone that you're going to fall in love with. Maybe you won't love them right away but it's inevitable that you'll next time.

And that's what happened to me. I bumped into Sunghoon in the school hallway and he helped me to pick up my stationary and asked if I was okay. That moment I realized how it feels to get attracted to someone at first sight but since love at first sight is not my cup, I knew I had to see one more time and luckily I did. I was at the convenience store when I ran out of money and the cashier didn't looked pleased at all, I wanted the floor to spread wide open and gobble me in because of how embarrassed I was but Sunghoon was the one to hand her the rest of the money and became my knight savior in shining armor. That's when I fell in love with him.

What was there to not fall in love with him? He was the loudest introvert I ever met and we started hanging out more often and my pure feelings for him never stopped growing. The thing was I was afraid I'd ruin whatever we had if I confessed but to my utter surprise the day I confessed my love for him under the pink cherry blossom tree he shared the same emotions as me. I remember it well when I asked Sunghoon if he was actually in love with me or not to which he answered,

"I think about you every moment Sun-hee, to me you're the only ray of sunshine in my life. Even if I think to only see you as my friend the only words that cross my mind are, *What if I never forget you? What if all my life when I meet someone new I can never fall for them because they aren't you Sun-hee?* That's what keeps me believing that I fell for you the moment I saw you. I love you Sun-hee, I really do."

And you still think I won't fall for this man who expressed his love in such a way that never in my seventeen years of life I can't expect someone to do it. That's when we both realized that we need each other and we have to be with each other, to complete each other. And after our little kdrama moment he held my hands in his for the first time and took me to a small ramyeon shop near our school. As soon as we got in I quickly pulled out from him and sat at the window seat making him chuckle at my actions. We talked like a lovey dovey couple for straight up an hour and two hot spicy bowl of ramen was served for us-

Wiping the tears who were at the verge of being steamed out any second, I stared outside the window and abruptly closed the diary. The horror it gave me when I looked up at a strange man staring right at me across the street, he was dressed the same as what I described Sunghoon was wearing the day we got in relationship.

The same brown overcoat, with black pants and white muffler except he had a black mask on and looked much more muscular than what I remembered Sunghoon looked like. But still it was horrible of me to even think of some random guy as him, I knew by this moment that everything I came across these days reminded me of him, of us.

I was missing him a little too much these days but it shouldn't be like this, he must be probably happy wandering off the streets in Japan whereas I relived the days of our seventeen terribly in Korea.

The rain still didn't stop but fortunately it slowed down, and sighing again in annoyance I got up from my seat and was about to exit from the shop when the owner of the shop, an old lady probably in her 70s tapped me on the shoulder and handed me an umbrella.

I was confused at her gesture, surely it was a kind one but I never thought that we were this close that she's handing me some random umbrella helping me out.

"It's okay, I'm fine without the umbrella. Thank you for your sweet gesture though." I smiled the sweetest so she won't be offended with my response but she took my hands in her and gave it a soft squeeze and returning the same sweet smile she said, "A kind soul told me to not let you drench in the rain, accept it okay?" Not giving me time to process her words she handed me the umbrella and literally pushed me out of the store not leaving any other option but to accept it so I did.

"Weird" I mumbled and walked off the street.

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