જ➴ epilogue.

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"Bad" by Wave to Earth

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: : from author's perspective :

Sun-hee didn't want to acknowledge the nervousness she felt as she was now standing in front of Sunghoon's door.

Right, the day they united again hasn't aged much, an incident of a month before but it still feels so fresh as if it was yesterday where they both cried and hugged, expressing how much this whole thing had caused them to suffer. 

Last night Sunghoon dropped in a text for a sleepover, they had so much in their life to catch upon after all these years, but as always acting on impulse Sun-hee didn't wasted a minute to show how excited she was over this idea but now when she's a ring bell away to finally let it all happen it made her stomach churn in nervousness.   

Either press the bell and let her boyfriend know that's she here for the home date or she could run away and later convince him that she really was too sick to come up for it.

Obviously she didn't put in so much work in her dress, and didn't sleep last night thinking about everything that could happen between them just because it was a fever dream.

It was no big deal right?

Everyone loves to stress out themselves and then run away when they are just an inch away. 

Closing her eyes shut and releasing an exaggerated breath Sun-hee finally pressed the bell and not even a second was passed when she was grabbed by a strong muscular grip and pulled into a tight hug, her eyes widened at so many things happening all at once, the door opening in a flash as if Sunghoon was already at the door and his hand waiting on the knob to burst it open as soon as he heard his doorbell and pulling Sun-hee straight a hug as if his life is dependent on it. 

Sun-hee squealed slightly as he hugged her tightly and nuzzled his face in her neck, inhaling the purest feminine fragrance he could ever come across.

Soon Sun-hee broke out into a smile when he didn't even budge a bit and kept hugging her, with his strong arms wrapped around her waist and the other hand softly stroking her back. 

Sun-hee's hands snaked its way to his hair and she started caressing his head, the other hand still too awkward to even process everything that's been happening, she just kept standing there letting him finally be satisfied but few minutes past and he still didn't dared to budge when she started squirming in his grip.

"Sunghoon you know your muscles aren't just for decorations?" She asked him as he laughed at her question and  caused him to pull out from her but still he kept holding her by the waist and Sun-hee's hair being gently caressed by another one.

"I think you sometimes forget that you're much more muscular than you were in school." 

Sun-hee commented, patting his arms muscles like his gym buddy, Sunghoon first was happy being admired by his girlfriend but then he leaned a bit and smirked, "Then it'll be quite easy to pick up you every time I want."

At first she was hell of a confused with his statement but he seemed to simplify it as he picked her up in both of his arms when in response the woman was too stunned to speak.

Of course it's the first time he did something so physically masculine and it sure didn't fail to make her blush as she felt a flock of butterflies in her stomach, now doing ballerina. 

Their whole day went by him teaching her to play fortnight, her forcing him to make cheesy tiktoks with, and now finally being curled up cozily together on the couch and watching "their" movie, Tangled.

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