જ➴ chapter three.

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Chapter 03 :
"This is how you fall in love"

now playing
"Mr.Loverman" by Ricky

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: : from Sun-hee's perspective

If you'll ask anyone, they probably would be having a favorite sound of them. For some it could be a voice of their favorite artist or someone they cherish to death. For some it could be a melody that cannot seem to get off their mind but kindly enough if you'll ask me it would be today and forever the sound of air conditioning at night.

When the room is all freezing cold, where my stunned skin is inside the duvet and the cold air has a feeble electronic sound. A sound which I certainly can never be able to describe and it may make me appear like definitely not a sane person but you got to accept it, sometimes random things in life can become your own special thing that holds a memorable space throughout it.

I remembered the day crystal clearly when I asked Sunghoon what his favorite sound in the whole world would be. A childish, hopeless romantic part in me was hoping that he would answer it as my voice but to whom I'm kidding? It was Park Sunghoon we were talking about. The person who can't seem to read the room and is always brutally honest.

That's when he answered that he liked the sound of his skating rink, his comfort place. I just smiled cheekily at his answer.
"And what is yours?" He asked me in return. By now he definitely knew how much I loved this game, asking him about random things and hoping to get questioned in return which he never failed to ask, making me happiest ever.

"The sound of air conditioning at night." He also just chuckled to it, making me confused as to whether he will not make fun of me or give me looks like others did? Then he said it was what he wanted to hear so it would make his answer sound less maniac. I was satisfied, at least his thoughts were alike, otherwise I would have felt really hurt if Sunghoon out of all didn't seem to understand what I loved but eventually he understood me without letting me a chance to explain it to him.

That's what I loved between us. The silent understanding. Whenever we said something really questionable or out of the blue, the other one instead of making it a big deal or taunting it would rather just smile and accept it.

"Then let's go." He simply said and took my hands in his cold yet somehow warm ones. "To where?" I asked in pure confusion.
"My comfort place. I want my comfort person to be aware of where I find comfort when they're not around me and the only comfort person in my life right now is you and I wish in the future to be it you and you only."

Maybe for him it was romantic or "just" some words but for me it was to carve at the greatest wall so the world of mine would know how simply his existence can make my heart melt. Just at the sight of him. Believe me he actually took me to the skating rink, his comfort place where no one actually got to visit together with him.

I was the first person in the entire planet to witness this and it was all too much for my poor heart to even process. I simply wanted to cry while hugging him. I really wanted it to be but my shyness took over and I stepped back.

There was a chapter about Einstein in our English book, where he explained the theory of relativity as, "When you spend a minute sitting on a hot stove, it can appear to be two hours long but if you spend two hours sitting with a beautiful lady it will appear to be mere two minutes." Yeah it was something like this.

And that day I understood the theory of relativity a little too well because even after spending an entire three hours with Sunghoon on the skating rink it felt merely a few seconds and I didn't even get to hug him.

The dark pitch black skies took over the sunset and I had to run home, but at the same time I didn't want to move even an inch apart from him and observing by the expressions on his face maybe he wanted the same but I had to and he was already worried for me going in the dark. How cute.

We took our first few selfies together and finally when it was time for me to go he shyly pulled me by my arm and kissed me on the right cheek. I swear I appeared like a tomato because he literally had a hearty laugh looking at what he called an adorable face. I scrunched up my nose in defense of what appeared more adorable in his eyes which reluctantly made me laugh upon seeing his wide smile. I was happy because he was happy.

The more I thought about our days the more I realized no matter how much I show or scream that I hate him but a small corner in my heart still hopes to reunite with him.

And from these past few days I think I'm missing him a little too much that tears started brimming at the corner of my eyes, the wa- the sound of the doorbell made me come back in my room again and I got up abruptly while wiping off the newly formed tears.

My eyes unintentionally went to the clock and it showed 8 P.M sharp. Who could be at this hour at the door? I quickly went to the door and, not acknowledging the existence of the peephole, I smashed open the door to see....Si-hyeon?

The tears in my eyes which were at the verge of breaking out any moment back in the room were long replaced by a broad smile plastered on my face. Not wasting any more seconds I pulled her in for a big bear hug.

Park Si-hyeon is Sunghoon's twin sister and my best friend. Even after being so close we barely had the time to see each other these days and after breaking up with Sunghoon on bad terms we somehow had a small awkward space in between us.

Well she also betrayed me with Sunghoon, but now when I think about it, if I would have been in her shoes I would have done the same, so it was okay and we sorted it out. But seeing her after almost a year was so overwhelming that we ended up crying at my doorstep.

Right now it was around 10 when we realized that she had to go home back. It was barely 10 minutes away from my place but it was dark and I didn't want to risk anything so I didn't push her enough to stay back.

On her way back she literally came up to me running while handing me out a bag of something to eat and before I could question any further she made her exit.

To me it was a bit strange of her to show herself after almost a year and that too so sudden, I mean I didn't wanted to be any rude or something so I gulped back my queries but she could have asked me to meet properly instead of so out of the blue catch up but as long as I was with her it didn't really matter except again the fact of this vege roll.

The roll which you guessed it right, I hadn't eaten for three years. The same roll which I loved and was ready to exchange my soul for after I first tasted it when I was back then 5 or something.

After being Sunghoon's girlfriend, the first food treat I gave him was the exact same roll Si-hyeon gave me today. I don't know it felt weird to have it for the first time in years after our breakup, I mean it used to be *our* meal so I never really had the courage to eat it alone ever again, and her showing up at late night and handing me over this roll after literally running to hand it over all seemed so weird for me.

Turning on Tangled on TV, my favorite movie, I took out the roll, heated it up and started munching it out. As if the happy moments of Eugene and Rapunzel wasn't enough to tear me up, the meal in my hands, all reminded me of Sunghoon again. How pathetic of me but I still loved to enjoy the moments these days when I cried remembering us because it made me give a walk to our memory lane.


the ways in which you talked to me
had me wishing I was gone,

the ways that you said my name
had me running on and on,

and I'm Mr. Loverman
and I miss my lover, man.


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