જ➴ chapter ten.

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Chapter 10 :
"Falling bad again"

now playing
"춤" by Damdamgugu

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: : from Sun-hee's perspective :

It's been 10 months since my terrible encounter with Sunghoon at our little reunion party, and to this day, the memory of it is printed ever so finely.

And to think about it, the power of memory is so hauntingly beautiful,the way it can transport you back to a time and place that feels as real as the present moment.

It's mesmerizing to think that we can hold onto these memories for years, decades even, and that they can feel so vivid, almost like we're there all over again.

Just like I did, holding onto the memories of our relationship for over three years, and now the haunting memory of our interaction for months.

Maybe....maybe I could have succeeded in forgetting it but Sunghoon isn't helping a bit either. I was wrong to think that after a few days or even weeks to the extreme extent he'll give up on us, and will fly back to Japan, especially for his games but surprisingly he didn't.

In fact the little things he does everyday, just to remind me that he is still here, waiting for me to even take a glance at his existence. And by how? I can't say I'm fed up but I'm not impressed either, it is cute but annoying at the same time.

The way he leaves a single flower at my door with little notes beside it every single day from the past ten months frustrates me to the core, or the small gifts, like pendants or aroma candles sending it by the kids in my neighborhood once in a week, it's like he's around me every freaking time which should make me freaked out right?

Honestly it's the opposite. Instead I feel a sense of protection, even if I hate Sunghoon for what he did or how everyday we are reminded to not trust fellow men, I can't help but to feel safe knowing he is around me and that he can protect me whenever needed.

Not to forget I'm mentioning these things, because never once in this time period he crossed the boundary or forced me to talk to him, and I know he's just there, far away, staring at me but not creeping me out either.

My head looked at the direction of the mailbox, it looked like something was in there which made my tracks stop on its own, as I made my way to it and reached the things in there.

One was a pink envelope with the initial, "S'' on it, definitely Sunghoon, I thought. Opening it was inside a small pink heart pendant, at this point I've more than hundreds of it, but each one is a different shade of pink, brown and green, and this soft pink is my favorite one of all.

Unknowingly a smile crept on my face caressing it lightly when another chit fell from the envelope, it was smaller than usual, and only a small quote was written in there.

Surprised because till now, he only wrote questions asking if I am eating well, or how am I doing in studies, and apologizing as well for leaving these things almost everyday.

I'm glad that he knows it too and doesn't want to be a creep either. Sometimes I want to forgive him and give him a chance, but the fear of being vulnerable only to be called immature holds me back everytime so I just keep things to myself.

Shrugging away the thoughts, leaving out a sigh, I took the note and read it,

"Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away."

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