Chapter 1

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Hey y'all this Anon from AO3. This same story is on AO3 but under Anonymous. I figured I could see what wattpad is like.  Chapter 1-13 I already wrote on AO3. Feel free to go over there.

Adam was a world-famous rock star. His shows were sold out everywhere. His band killed it every night. He had won countless Grammies for albums. His personality was engaging and boisterous. When he walked into the room everyone gravitated towards him.

Lute on the other hand was the opposite. She was the manager. The one to make sure the show went on. The one who made sure Adam was doing what he needed to do. When he walked into the room she was the shadow. There but not the center of attention. That's how their relationship worked.

"Well, dangertits that was one hell of a show!!" Adam yelled walking off stage. He took off his signature mask and handed his guitar to some stagehand. "I need a drink"

"Sir" Lute walked next to him. Holding her clipboard. "We need to get back to the hotel. Your plane takes off first thing in the morning." She needed them to follow a schedule. The record label Heavenly Tunes would not be thrilled with Adam missing another flight. Especially with the new CEO Sera breathing down their necks.

"Oh my god!" Adam stopped and rolled his eyes. "You are the most boring person. Come on! We are in Las Vegas! Sin City!" he gestured around him despite being backstage. "We have to have fun. I've been so busy with everything I haven't been able to enjoy myself." It was true. Between rehearsals, lessons, and set-ups Adam had not had a break.

Lute looked Adam up and down. He was wearing his black leather jacket along with a white t-shirt with the 'A' on it. His ripped jeans she was sure he had since college. His piercings were as prevalent as ever not that Lute could say anything herself. She had her ears and face pierced like him. "Sir everyone knows who you are. I don't want to run from crazy fan girls and paparazzi again" She had punched three crazed fans. And parkour away from the cameras. She was not thrilled.

"Hello, we have masks!" Adam smiled. "Everyone will be wearing my mask since I'm popular and people dress like me. I can blend in. I also had that mask made for you" He called his team the Exorcists. He had masks made for everyone so they could match and look like him. Lute's was black and with the white LED lights. She had to admit she liked it. It did go with her style.

Lute knew there was no winning with Adam. When he wanted something he got it. She figured she could at least follow him and make sure he didn't do anything stupid. "Fine" she gritted her teeth. "But the mask stays on the whole time. Also, we are only drinking for an hour"

"Hell yeah!" Adam hugged her. Lute was shocked at the sudden closeness but didn't mind. He let go of her. "Come on! I saw this one bar that looks so cool!"
Before Lute knew what was going on she was sitting at a bar with a rum and coke in her hand. Adam had dragged her to a bar called Poison. No one knew who they were or cared so getting in was a breeze. The mask had worked. They also had a way to still drink and eat with them. Lute was happy to cover her face. She wasn't like Adam wanting the whole world to see her.

The bar smelled gross to her. The floor was sticky. The bartender whose name tag said Husk seemed to want to be anywhere but at the bar. The music sounded like shit unlike Adam. The lights were an obnoxious pink and blue. She hated bright colors with a passion. That's why she liked how Adam only used gold as a color. "So anyway we fucked. What did you do this weekend?" Adam asked Lute. He had just devoured his second plate of ribs.

"I know you fucked because I could hear it on the other side of the fucking hotel" she wanted to yell but instead said it in her normal monotone voice. She stared at her half-empty glass. She didn't know why she was upset he slept with some stupid chick. He always slept with stupid chicks.

Chaos in Harmony (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now