Chapter 5

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Since Adam had met Lute she had been stoic. She rarely showed emotion except for concern or anger. Overall she was laid back and just wanted to help Adam. She had been the best manager Adam had ever had. He had also gotten close to her since his world tour. Which was nice and felt good to have a friend to confide in. She put up with attitude and antics which was good for Adam. His first two wives could barely handle him. Lute was the only woman who could handle him. Deep down he knew he needed that. Not even on a romantic level but more of getting his shit together level. She made him stay sober longer and have fewer flings. It was odd. Since he and Lute had gotten closer he hadn't had sex with any adoring fans. Every time he would think about having sex something just held him back. Which was not him at all.

Adam was now back in the city of Angels. It's where he lived and graced the world with his amazing talent. It's where he thrived the best. He had picked up some takeout and was going to surprise Lute for dinner. He had made an effort to find out where she lived. She lived in an expensive condominium. He had been over a handful of times to practice interviews or jam sessions with her. He wanted to surprise her as a thank you for helping him get through an interview with Katie Killjoy. Lute hounded him with questions like Katie Killjoy would. If it weren't for Lute, Adam would have made a fool of himself on national television. Adam walked up to her door and knocked. "Lute it's me, Adam!". He waited a moment. Nothing. "Lute!" Adam knocked again. "What are you doing. I saw snap maps. I know you're in there". He pulled out his phone and called her. Strange he could hear the phone on the other side but nothing. A neighbor then came out and directed Adam to the rooftop garden. Saying they saw Lute had up there a while ago.

Adam carried his takeout to the top. He wondered what she was doing up there. He knew she loathed gardening. Adam got to the top. It was beautiful. Trees, plants, and even grass lined the rooftop. Adam for some reason felt like he was in the Garden of Eden. He walked to one corner and saw Lute. He was shocked to see her crying. She had never shown emotion like this. He truthfully didn't think she had the emotional ability to cry. "Lute?" he said softly.

She turned startled. "Adam" she wiped her face. "You can head down I'll be down there in a second"

"What's wrong?"He set the food down and stepped forward.

"It doesn't matter" she sniffled.

"It does. You're crying" Adam hated seeing her upset. He'd rather see her angry.

"I got rejected from my dream schools. UCLA and USC. I was going to get my Masters Degree" she looked away. She was upset and also embarrassed.

"We'll they're stupid for doing that" Adam scoffed. "You put up with me. That should have gotten you into Yale"

"Thank you sir" she gave a weak smile.

"Like seriously." Adam looked at her. "You're the smartest person I know. You can do Microsoft Excel for fucks sake. They should have accepted you!" he was now getting upset.

"Sir it's alright" she assured him.

Adam calmed himself down. "So will you apply elsewhere? Far from here" He felt a pang of sadness at the idea of Lute leaving him. He needed someone to make inappropriate jokes with. Someone to laugh with. Someone to get drunk with. And that person was Lute.

She quickly shook her head. "Oh no. I'm never leaving your side" she blushed. "If you don't mind of course" she added the last part in quickly.

"I would be upset if you left" Adam admitted. The idea of her leaving hurt worse than his two ex-wives leaving. "I need someone to keep me on track. Keep my shit together"

"I am good at that" Lute's voice sounded better.

"I hope you apply elsewhere though. I can blackmail them if that helps" Adam offered. "Or host a free concert."

Lute laughed which made Adam feel better. "I'm good sir. For now"

"Good" Adam hugged her. Lute was surprised but she hugged him. "I don't like seeing you upset" he pulled away and had a serious look. "Seriously I will use my charm to get you into any school. Like say the word and I'll be there"

"I really am good," she assured him. It was nice seeing Adam so serious and attentive. It was also strange.

Adam nodded. "Well, I brought some ribs. Do you want to eat them?"

"I would love that" She smiled for the first time all day.

That night she and Adam ate dinner and he cheered her up. He even ran out and brought her favorite ice cream. Adam helped keep her mind occupied by his hilarious stories and antics. He was a good friend. Lute watched him re-enact scenes from his tours which made her laugh. "Well this was a fun night" Adam picked up Lute's plate. "But I need to head out. I know we have an early morning tomorrow"

"You actually remembered your schedule. I'm impressed" Lute was proud of him. And a bit surprised. The whole night had been surprises.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Adam waved goodbye and headed out. he hated seeing Lute cry. He made a vow to make sure she never cried again.

Chaos in Harmony (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now