Chapter 3

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Adam had finished a show in Paris. It of course was a hit and sold out as usual. He was happy his music career was still strong even after his rocky love life. He was better than ever. Or that's what he told himself. It was hard seeing Lilith so in love with Lucifer. She had never looked at him like that. He was only a stepping stone for her. He didn't even want to think of Eve.

Adam was sitting on the rooftop of the hotel. Admiring the view of the Eiffel Tower. Sure he should have been out partying after another success of a show. But he was tired and needed a break. It was hard having to be the center of attention all the damn time. He puffed on his cigarette. It was a nasty habit. Sera would be yelling at him about ruining his body with the cancer stick. But he didn't give a shit. He needed something to distract him. As much as liked drinking he did need to tone it down. Then of course drugs were a bad idea. He didn't want to die just yet. He at least wanted to stretch his death out. Show off to the world he didn't need his wives.


Adam snapped out of his thoughts and turned around. It was Lute. She looked wide awake despite it being late and after a show. Usually, everyone was wiped from his shows. "Oh hey" he put out his cigarette. Do you need something?"

"I need you to sign some forms" she was holding a clipboard. Adam honestly couldn't even remember the last she wasn't holding the damn thing.

"Oh, sure." He walked. not even bothering to read it. "What are you doing up? It's like 2 am"

She held the clipboard to herself. "I like staying up late. I'm a night owl" She looked over at the city. It was stunning. That was one reason she would stay up late. Something about the way cities glowed always intrigued her. "I also like how it's cooler out. I hate the heat"

"God the heat sucks" Adam agreed. "Being on stage is so hot. Especially with all the moving" Adam loved performing but the heat could be unbearable. "How are you liking Paris" he saw the way she kept trying to look over his shoulder to see the city of lights.

"It's okay. I like this view way more" She walked over to the balcony. "You're so lucky this is your view. I'm several floors down and facing dumpsters"

Adam relaxed next to her. "Want a cig" he offered.

Lute had a million things to do. But the idea of smoking on the rooftops of Paris next to her idol seemed like a better option. "Sure" she set the clipboard down. Adam handed her a cigarette.

"They call this place the city of love" Adam looked over at the city.

"City of love more like city of shit" Lute stated. "So much trash. And don't even get me started on the crack-addicted whores here" she shuddered. She saw someone named Angel Dust here was performing at Moulin Rouge.

Adam laughed for the first time in a long time. "Okay, that's funny. I'm going to have to start using that. City of shit. I love it"

Lute blushed a little. She was happy she could make Adam laugh. He deserved to be happy. "Thanks," she said quietly. They both continued looking at the skyline.

"Have you been in love?" Adam asked Lute out of the blue. He figured with the city of love someone was lucky to have Lute as theirs.

Lute was caught off guard by the question. Adam seldom asked her about her life. "Um no sir," she added the last part. "I've had a few flings here and there. But I've never truly felt love"

"Good for you" Adam continued smoking. "It's the worst. You feel so vulnerable. So stupid. Like they can manipulate you with that love. I'm never falling in love again. It's the worst." Adam would never fall for anyone like those two again. He would never go through heartbreak.

Lute was not surprised at that statement. Adam's love life was a public viewing. Everyone knew what had happened. It was strange reading about it and then knowing Adam so well. The tabloids lie. Lute didn't know Adam when everything went down. Now that she did know him she had no idea why Lilith or Eve left him. Sure he was annoying at moments. Loud as hell. Ate an ungodly amount of ribs. But that's what made Adam himself. That's what Lute loved about him. "Yeah good for me I guess" Lute nodded.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Adam turned around and leaned against the balcony and looked at Lute. He put his cigarette out.

Lute hated how good he looked right now. He was wearing his white t-shirt and torn-up jeans. She hated how she found him attractive. It would inflate his ego if he knew how hot she thought he was. "We head to Rome. Remember the schedule?" Lute hated reminding him what the plan was. He could never remember or pay attention.

Adam rolled his eyes. "God I hate schedules. I just wanna have fun. But if we're even two seconds behind Sera will lose her goddamn mind" Adam was not a fan of working for Sera. She was all rules and no fun. Adam liked her assistant Emily more. Emily was carefree and admired Adam.

Lute laughed a little. It was funny to see Adam diss the CEO. "Sir we have to be on schedule. Dealing with Sera is not fun. I swear she's the reason I drink. Besides you of course"

"Oh so I caused you to have alcoholism" Adam was joking of course.

Lute rolled her eyes. "You annoy me so much. You can't listen to save your life. Pissing off subordinates is an Olympic sport for you. Don't even get me started on your love life." she should not have been that honest with Adam. But for some reason, she knew he would enjoy it.

"Glad I can do that for you" Adam leaned onto her. "Damn, Lute you're short. Is that why you're always so angry? All the anger can't spread out" He had no idea how short she was till he leaned on her. His wives were fucking tall compared to her.

"I'm 5'3" she pushed him off her. "And I'm angry because you're a grown-ass man who can't read a goddamn schedule to save your life."

"You sound like Sera but with the cussing" Adam laughed. He liked annoying Lute. It was funny seeing her get worked up.

Lute sighed. She truly did enjoy talking to Adam. Despite him being world famous he was easy to talk to. He seemed normal to her. "As much as I enjoyed our talk I need to get back to work. I don't want Sera to get pissed." She put out her cigarette and picked up her clipboard.

"I get it" Adam agreed. "It was nice talking to you" Adam liked talking to Lute. She was the only one to treat him like a normal person and not a god. Sometimes he needed someone to tell him off. To keep him on track.

"You too. Goodnight sir" Lute walked away.

"Goodnight Lute" Adam turned around and looked at the city again. Lute was fun and way better than his wives. Adam shook his head. he refused to put Lute on the same level as his wives. She was better she was superior. She was Lute. "City of shit" he whispered and smiled. He loved her.

Chaos in Harmony (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now