Chapter 4

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"The Creation of Adam" Adam gazed up at the Sistine Chapel fresco. "I like to think when I was born it went down just like that" It truly was a work of art.

Lute quit looking up and looked at Adam with disdain. "Why are you the way you are?"

Adam looked at her and laughed. "Take a joke, babe."

Lute rolled her eyes. "We need to leave soon. We have reservations for lunch." She was happy Adam wanted to explore Rome with her. He was wearing a hat so he wouldn't be seen or noticed. He also said no one would expect him to be around Lute since she wasn't famous and was average-looking. Therefore they were safe.

"All I'm saying is God loves me the most" Adam stated as they walked out of Vatican City. "I mean, I'm hot as fuck. Tall. Have an amazing voice. And I look like Adam from all those paintings we just saw" Lute wanted to tell him those paintings were whitewashed by wealthy Renaissance fucks who painted themselves into Christian theology. But she saw how happy the paintings made him happy. She didn't feel the need to break his heart. "Oh my god Lute look!" Adam steered her body.

"What am I looking at?" All Lute saw was a busy Italian road. People were milling about. Cars were zooming by.

"A Vespa!" he pointed to a moped scooter. It was a bright red. "I want one!"

"What?" Lute was now lost. But she knew when Adam wanted something he got it.

Lute had never in a million years imagined herself riding a Vespa in Rome with the greatest musician in the world. But here she was holding onto him as he zipped around the busy Roman streets. She liked holding onto him. She felt secure. "Check out the Colosseum!" He yelled out.

"How can I miss it's right there!" Lute yelled back. She was impressed with the Colosseum. It was massive and held a treasure trove of history. She also loved the stories of gladiator battles.

"Check this out!" Adam yelled. Before Lute could respond Adam gunned it. He started weaving between traffic. He also ran several lights. Lute was having a blast. Sure she thought they were going to die. But for some reason, the idea of Adam dying with her made her happy. They zipped around some more but they were stopped.

"Is that the police?" Adam stopped. The bright lights and annoying siren stopped them.

"Shit" Lute cursed. She did not want to explain this to Sera.

The police pulled up. But Adam being the charismatic asshole he was knew he could smooth talk them out of it. "Don't worry I got this"

For the next ten minutes, Lute thought she was going to pass out. The police terrified her however Adam handled it like a champ. He had a way with people. He was good with them. Lute could never relate. She knew she always came off as standoffish. Whereas Adam was open and friendly. Lute also did not want to get arrested in a foreign country and deal with Sera. Adam took a few selfies with the police and gave them autographs. "I told you I got you!" Adam walked up to Lute. They were parked on the side of the road. "Let's head to the Colosseum. I remember you talking about how much you loved learning about gladiators"

"Wait you remember that?" Lute was touched.

"Of course I do it's all you talked about when I found out we were going to Rome. You kept talking about the trap doors and pully systems. You had a weird look in your eyes." Adam loved how passionate Lute was about gladiator battles. She got strangely happy when she discussed death or gruesome murders.

"Thanks for remembering that" She had a small blush. She knew she got way too passionate about death.

"Come on bitch!" Adam held out his hand. Lute took his hand and was pulled back onto the Vespa.

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