Chapter 33

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Yongsun's POV

After Byul recovered from the incident, she immediately returned to work, and since then, we've seldom spent nights together as she's been rushing to kickstart the music video shoot. It still feels surreal that I'll be featured in her upcoming song.

I'm currently awaiting Byul's return home; I've prepared her favorite dish as a surprise for our one-month anniversary. Despite her busy schedule, she hasn't mentioned it, perhaps she's forgotten amidst her hectic days.

As I lit the candle and gave myself one last check in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. I messaged Byul, my pet hamster, to see if she was on her way home. While scrolling through my social feeds, an article grabbed my attention: "Famous Actress Linked with Next CEO of Renowned Entertainment Company." My heart sank as I clicked the link, and seeing the photo of the two of them together, looking so happy, left me trembling. Every detail screamed Byulyi: the car, her stance, her scarf, her clothes... and the person beside her was unmistakably Krystal. Tears streamed down my face as I scrolled further. As if on cue, Byul walked through the door, her radiant smile contrasting with the heaviness in my heart, holding a bouquet of flowers and beer.

"You thought I forgot, didn't you? But I didn't!" Byul walked over to me, handing me the bouquet of flowers. I was speechless, unable to meet her gaze. "Wow! You cooked! It's all my favorites! I can't wait to eat," she exclaimed cheerfully. Still unable to look at her, I hesitated to accept the flowers. "What's wrong? Don't you like it? Are you upset, my love?" As she reached out to touch my face, unable to suppress my emotions any longer, I slammed my phone onto the table.

I gazed at her, tears streaming down my face. "What is this? I thought you didn't have any relationship with her," I choked out, pointing at the article. She looked confused as she started to read. "That's you, I know it's you," I insisted, my voice trembling with hurt and betrayal.

"Yong, it's not what you think, okay? This... this is all nonsense," she stammered, reaching out to grab my hand, but I pulled away, refusing to let her touch me.

"I recognize those clothes, Byul. I know what you wear every day. Those nights you've been out... you were with her?! You... you've been deceiving me," I accused, my voice filled with anguish and betrayal.

"Love... please, listen to me, okay?" Byul's voice quivered with urgency. "Yes, I was with her, but it was purely business. I don't have that kind of relationship with her, you have to believe me, don't trust that article," she pleaded, grabbing my arm and cupping my face in her hands. "Yongsun, you are my girlfriend," she emphasized, her eyes pleading for understanding.

"You've been lying to me, Byul. How can I believe you now?" I broke down into tears. "You should have just told me you were with Krystal. Why did you have to lie?" My voice cracked with hurt and disappointment.

"I know, I'm sorry, Yong. I just didn't want you to think the wrong things," Byul apologized, wiping away my tears and gently turning my face to hers. "Please, believe me, that's not true. You are mine, and I am only yours, Yongsun," she reassured me, planting a tender kiss on my forehead. Conflicted, I didn't know if I should believe her, but a part of me urged me to trust her.

"I don't know what to think, Byul," I said, removing her hand from mine and turning away. "We both know about the ties between you and Krystal, stretching back years with your families. Suddenly, I don't know where I stand anymore." Opening the door to my room, I continued, "Please, just leave. I don't want to see you right now." It felt foolish to let those articles affect me, knowing some of them were likely lies, but the hurt was too overwhelming. I locked the door behind me, collapsing onto my bed, tears flowing freely as I tried to make sense of my emotions.

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