Chapter 37

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Seulgi and Hani were at a loss for words upon hearing Byul's revelation. They empathized deeply with their friend's pain, yet their hearts also ached for Yongsun. As they struggled to digest the story, they noticed a distinct change in Hyejin's demeanor.

Hyejin, seething with anger, exclaimed, "Your reason is as ludicrous as you are! Now,  tell us , what made you to return?"

Byul's words tumbled out in disbelief as she struggled to make sense of the situation. "I can't comprehend why I was kept in the dark about Yongsun's debut. My mother only mentioned that she had left the company. I went to great lengths, hiring an investigator to uncover her whereabouts, only to discover she's living with Eric. And now, to learn they have a child... It's overwhelming. I sacrificed my own happiness to ensure her dreams came true, to shield her from any suffering because of me. But discovering her with Eric... I'm at a loss for what to feel."

The trio exchanged uneasy glances, silently communicating the need to tread carefully and avoid divulging any information that could further unsettle Byul. Their shared uncertainty stifled their words, leaving them at a loss for how to proceed without risking unintended disclosures.

"Since when have they been together?" Byul inquired, her tone betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Byul's question hung heavily in the air, prompting a tense silence among the group. Seulgi, Hani, and Hyejin exchanged wary glances, each grappling with how to respond without revealing too much. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, Seulgi carefully replied, "I think it's better to talk about this with yongsun"

"I'm with you," Hani affirmed, gently tapping Hyejin's shoulder in an attempt to sway her. "Let's talk to Yongsun together and see how she feels about it. We'll keep you informed of her decision."

"R-really? Thank you," Byul murmured, her head bowed in a gesture of contrition for the actions of her past. "I'm sorry." Her voice trembled with sincerity, weighted with the burden of regret.

Seulgi approached Byul, offering a comforting pat on her friend's back. "Byulah, you've suffered too," she reassured softly, acknowledging the pain that Byul had endured alongside her own.

"I don't want your pity," Byul remarked firmly, her tone tinged with resignation. "I brought this upon myself. I never imagined it would unfold like this. These are the consequences of my own choices." Her words carried a weight of responsibility, owning up to the decisions that had led to the current situation.

"You're right," Hyejin affirmed, her voice tinged with a hint of resolve. "If Yongsun doesn't agree, then just continue to watch over her from a distance, because that is the only thing you can do." With a decisive nod, she gestured towards her car. "Let's go. Leave that jerk ." With that, they departed, leaving behind the weight of unresolved emotions and the lingering echoes of past mistakes.

Unfortunately, yongsun never agreed. 


Yongsun wandered the familiar streets alone, her thoughts drifting as she carried a bag of chicken and beer back to their unit. Her son was already sound asleep, nestled in their home. It had become a ritual for her, one she couldn't quite shake off even though it now bore the weight of memories with Byul. She longed to break free from the habit, to sever the ties that bound her to the past, but the familiarity provided a fleeting sense of solace she couldn't easily abandon.

As Yongsun neared her home, her gaze caught sight of a familiar figure seated on the sidewalk, a beer in hand. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Byul, and instinctively, she quickened her pace. But before she could react, Byul reached out, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a tight embrace. Yongsun was taken aback, feeling the warmth of Byul's embrace enveloping her once more. The scent and sensation flooded her senses, stirring memories long buried. It had been too long since she last felt the comfort of Byul's hug, and despite herself, she found herself melting into it, the walls she had erected crumbling in the face of familiarity and longing.

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