Chapter 38

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"Ms. Kim, the blood transfusion was successful, and Sky's condition has stabilized for now," the doctor informed Yongsun. Byul remained beside her, her expression still reflecting shock from the news she had just heard from Yongsun. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, with relief tempered by the realization of the gravity of Sky's accident and Byul's connection to him.

"Oh, thank goodness. Can I see him?" Yongsun asked tearfully, her relief palpable with the positive update about Sky's condition. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she eagerly awaited the chance to be by her son's side, her heart yearning to see him safe and sound after the ordeal.

"He's resting comfortably, but we'll need to monitor him closely for the next few hours to ensure he doesn't have any adverse reactions to the transfusion," the doctor explained. 

"Thank you so much, doc," Yongsun said gratefully, shaking the doctor's hand as a gesture of appreciation. The doctor returned the gesture with a reassuring smile, bowing respectfully before taking his leave. 

Yongsun walked into Sky's room, her heart heavy with both worry and relief as she approached her son's bedside. Byul followed closely behind, sharing in Yongsun's emotions as they both gazed upon Sky, who lay peacefully in his hospital bed.

Yongsun took a seat beside Sky, her eyes filled with tears as she gently grasped his hand. Seeing her son in such a vulnerable state pained her deeply, yet there was also a sense of solace in knowing that he was safe and stable for now.

Byul stood silently beside them, offering her silent support as she watched Yongsun comfort Sky with gentle words and tender touches.

"My poor son, I'm sorry Mom didn't come with you," Yongsun said, her voice filled with regret as she caressed Sky's hand gently. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for not being there to protect him from harm. "If only I did, then this wouldn't happened" 

"What happened?" Byul asked, her voice filled with concern, but Yongsun remained silent, lost in her thoughts as she continued to hold Sky's hand tightly.

Sensing Yongsun's reluctance to speak, Byul waited patiently, giving her space to gather her thoughts. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the gentle hum of medical equipment and the steady rhythm of Sky's breathing.

After a moment, Yongsun took a deep breath, her eyes still fixed on Sky's face. "It was an accident," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Eric said he wandered off while they were at the park, and...eric lose sight of him for a minute and then he just saw sky on the ambulance " Her voice trailed off. 

Yongsun's voice trembled as she recounted the harrowing details, her heart heavy with the image of Sky's injury. "The police said that they saw him at the ongoing construction nearby, and there was a glass that fell from the building and pierced into Sky's right arm," she explained, her words choked with emotion as tears welled up in her eyes

Byul's heart ached at the thought of Sky's ordeal, her own eyes misting with tears as she imagined the fear and pain he must have experienced. She reached out and took Yongsun's hand in hers, offering her silent support as they both grappled with the trauma of the accident.

"I can't imagine how scared he must have been," Byul whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she tried to find the right words to comfort Yongsun. "But he's a strong little boy, Yongsun. He'll get through this, I know he will." 

Yongsun nodded, finding comfort in the reassuring grasp of Byul's hand. In that moment, the weight of their shared worry momentarily eclipsed any past grievances, and they found solace in each other's silent support.

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