Megan's POV

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I was well aware that everybody is human and that all humans have emotions and can when necessary and proper,show those feelings. But for tough,sneaky,wisecracking, manipulative,smart,sassy and evil people like me,showing emotions were a weakness. I only ever feigned emotion when I was lying to get Drake and Josh in trouble for what I caused and lied to mine and Drake's biological mother and our stepfather to get them to not believe Drake and Josh as the two attempted to tell them the truth about what had happened that was caused by me. They were telling the truth but they were never believed and they believed my lying. I was wondering what would happen if I was caught and they believed Drake and Josh before I remember that that happening wasn't ever bound to happen at anytime.

I missed how close Drake and I used to be. There was nothing behind the pranks and trouble I caused and blamed them for other than knowing that it meant my big brother Drake would be forced to not go anywhere and that meant there was a chance for us to reconcile the close bond we used to have. But every single time they were disciplined for what I caused I acted too proud and he and Josh would be too angry over me getting them in trouble for what I was really at fault for. I wasn't trying to be mean everytime I did what I did, there was also the secret reason that I missed the close big brother-little sister bond Drake and I had before we grew up and things changed. I know there might not be a way to explain it without feeling embarrassed by revealing it. I may love pranking but secretly I loved my big brother Drake even more and truly missed the big brother-little sister bond we had shared before life happened, changed. Does Drake miss the close bond like I did? Would I still be perceived as I have been or would admitting that change that?

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