I Never Thought,About To Answer (Megan)

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After Drake departed to his bedroom upstairs,I knew that he did it because of my refusal to respond to his question despite him not asking more than once before he went upstairs. I wanted to tell him but I also didn't want to tell him so I decided to be quiet and I thought that he would ask again but he didn't ask again,he only asked once. I seriously thought that Drake would ask me more than once or until I answered him. I was shocked when he only asked one time. Or maybe asking once was only a one time deal and the next time he asked,it'd be more than once before he decided to leave it alone. I would be lying if I said I didn't believe that he would consistently ask me until I answered him,after all if I was in his place I would constantly ask until he answered my question so why shouldn't I expect him to do the same thing with me?
I wasn't frustrated with the question he asked,I was frustrated because I didn't know what would happen if I answered it the way he probably expects me to answer it. I wasn't wanting to say anything about it but the expression on his face that I was very most likely to see would force me because I didn't want to deal with him having that expression on his face that I was very much mostly likely going to see on him which was going to be one I never thought I'd see on my biological brother Drake ever.

That was what was internally angering me. It has been about 15 minutes since he went upstairs so I wasn't sure what to expect. Would he come ask me again? Would he ask me at a different time? As I was wondering that,I didn't hear him come back downstairs until I looked up,saw him. He said,"Megan,I just wanted to know if the reason why you're acting like you do now which is not how you were before life changed was because you missed the close bond we used to have. Can you tell me why?" I looked at his face,he had a look of nothing but pure determination and confusion mixed with concern as he spoke. I knew there was no repeating my action from earlier which was not answering him. I sigh and plan out my answer in my head before I dared to speak to him about it. It could very easily have the power to change the dynamics that were there when life had changed and the dynamics had stayed like that. My answer would possibly change that with no going back to how things used to be. He sat down and waited patiently for me to tell him and I couldn't believe I was about to reveal something I never thought I'd say. But I don't want to see Drake's face with the expression that he is currently showing me. And I never thought I'd see that expression on the face of someone like Drake Parker.
I never thought I would be admitting it ever.

I've Always Loved You (Drake and Megan)Where stories live. Discover now