Just Want To Know Why (Drake)

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Since I know for sure that Megan wasn't always like how she behaved these days,it was a total mystery as to what caused this change to happen to a once very sweet girl who never pulled pranks or anything she did now. Was it just her character had changed or what caused this change to happen? Having obviously grown up with her my and her whole life,I knew how she was back then and obviously how she is now. I know that people change over time but I never would've been able to imagine my little sister Megan turning out like this. I never thought she'd be how she behaved now but I guess for some reason it was meant to happen. I just wanted to know why though. She was not always like this ever. Was there something that Mom and I missed as she grew up to have caused this to happen? If so, what was it that was missed? As her big brother,I tended to worry about her and I just wanted to know the reason.

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