Revealing The Reason Why (Megan)

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I know there was no choice other than telling him the reason why. He may not have verbally spoke that but the look on his face spoke that and I never thought this would happen but now it was happening and I didn't want to make it be any longer than what it needs to be and I thought of the answer I wanted to give but it has to be the answer the look on his face is telling me to say. And I internally sighed and then I said it. I gave him the reason why,it wasn't easy. I said,"The reason why I'm acting like I do now which is not how I was before life changed is because I don't know how to get to your attention to be able to hang out like we used to do before life changed forever. I know it happens at some point sometimes but I didn't know how to tell you that I miss the big brother-little sister bond we used to have prior to life changing. The only way I could think of to get your attention was to act like how I do now. I didn't think other ways may have gotten the attention I wanted from you. Drake,I miss the bond we used to have and how close we once were." I started crying almost immediately after I spoke. Drake looked at me and hugged me. He pulled me to his lap and cradled me like I was a baby and said,"Megan, it's okay. I miss what you said you missed as well. Even though it seems like our close bond is no more,I've always loved you and nothing would change that Megan." I look at him,"I was thinking about how close we used to be before life changed and we grew up and that is what made me start to miss the bond we used to have. And that's why I acted like I do now because I didn't know how to tell you nor did I know how to get your attention. I love you Drake." He smiled and started rocking me back and forth.

I've Always Loved You (Drake and Megan)Where stories live. Discover now