Thoughts Before Conversation (Drake,Megan)

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Drake's Point Of View
It would be a lie if I said that I didn't miss how close Megan and I once were. The loving close big brother-little sister bond we had when we were younger was dearly missed even though I would never admit it. I know that Megan must feel the same way. I know that she wasn't like how she is now when we were younger,before life happened and we were suddenly joined by our stepfather Walter and stepbrother Josh. That might be when she changed but I'm not sure if that is exactly when Megan changed. I know that we're still siblings but the close bond we had when we were younger was gone without any reason or explanation why and that secretly hurts my heart badly. I can't help but wonder if her pranking me was a way to try to get our bond reconciled once she got my attention and we talked to each other but I know I'm determined to find out. I missed the closeness we once had.

Megan's Point Of View
It would for sure be a lie if I said that I don't miss the big brother-little sister bond Drake and I had when we were younger because I do. I would never ever say it aloud though. It was a secret that I didn't want to reveal. Nobody knew the secret which was the reason why I was acting how I was nowadays with my biological brother Drake and I was nervous to ever tell him or anyone because I don't know what would happen if I told the reason why. I was a little scared. I wasn't like how I am now when Drake and I were younger,before life happened and we were suddenly joined by our stepfather Walter and stepbrother Josh. I wasn't like this at all. But when life changed,I changed as well.  It was just something that happened. I missed how close Drake and I used to be when we were younger, before life changed and we were grown up. I may have changed from who I was before life changed but I would be lying if I didn't say that I missed the big brother-little sister bond Drake and I shared before life changed because I missed it so very very very much.

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