"Do You Miss The Bond We Used To Have?" (Drake)

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I seriously thought that maybe Megan does what she does to me because she wants my attention and that she misses the big brother-little sister bond we used to have before life changed and time went on. I seriously believe that is the reason why she is how she is now with me. She may be acting like that because she can't figure out how to communicate what she is feeling. Honestly I couldn't blame her,I would be the same way if I were in her place. I just wish that instead of acting how she does with me,she could communicate what she's feeling to me and we'd be able to talk about it. But I know that it won't be simple to do. Talking about feelings is certainly not easy. I can't wait to be able to know the reason why because I just want to understand Megan's behavior for what the cause of it could be. I went downstairs and I saw Megan in the living room and decided to ask her now. I walk over to her and she looks at me, "Yes,Drake?" I ask her,"Do you miss the bond we used to have?" She stays silent. I say,"Megan, please tell me what the reason why is for the way you are now. That's all I want to know." She refused to speak a word. Sighing in a little defeat with her not speaking,I go upstairs and leave it alone for now. I was not going to give up my mission.

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