Why Didn't She Just Tell Me That She Missed The Bond We Used To Have?(Drake)

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After Megan told me the reason why,I was now wondering why didn't she just tell me that she missed the close big brother-little sister bond we used to have? If she had just told me that,things between us now wouldn't have become what they had become. The way things are between us now could have easily been prevented by it. If she had just told me that she missed the close bond we used to have,I am confident and certain that things between us could still be the way they were when we were younger before life changed and we grew apart. But if I was in her place,I wouldn't have ever admitted to that emotional thing so I can't say I'm shocked that she didn't reveal that feeling ever. I looked down at her from where she is cuddled up in my lap peacefully as I think this. I didn't want to disturb the peacefulness that she is feeling for yet another hard emotional conversation between the two of us.

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