What Would Happen If I Told The Reason Why? (Megan)

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I was wondering what would happen if I told the reason why I was acting the way I was. If I revealed the reason why I was acting how I was doing,what would happen as a result? Would I be in deep trouble with mine and Drake's biological mother and our stepfather? Would I be sent away from home? Would our family separate because of me and my misbehavior I was doing? Would Drake think that I just missed the close big brother-little sister bond we had? Would he not want to reconcile our bond because he had gotten into trouble because I would lie to our biological mother and stepfather which got him and Josh in trouble when I was really the one responsible? Would he not see me as a wonderful little sister because of my actions? What would happen if I told the reason why I was doing what I was responsible for doing but blamed Drake and Josh and getting them in trouble for what I did? What would happen if I revealed why?

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