What Will Make The Bond Come Back? (Megan)

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I missed how close Drake and I used to be. There was nothing behind the pranks and trouble I caused and blamed them for other than knowing that it meant my big brother Drake would be forced to not go anywhere and that meant there was a chance for us to reconcile the close bond we used to have. But every single time they were disciplined for what I caused I acted too proud and he and Josh would be too angry over me getting them in trouble for what I was really at fault for. I wasn't trying to be mean everytime I did what I did, there was also the secret reason that I missed the close big brother-little sister bond Drake and I had before we grew up and things changed from the way that they used to be like. I wondered if Drake missed the big brother-little sister close bond like I did? I wonder what would make the bond come back? Will anything make it come back?

I've Always Loved You (Drake and Megan)Where stories live. Discover now