When Did I Change Into How I Am Today? (Megan)

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It is most definitely important to know that people tend to change from how they were as time goes on and they grow up. It's something that might happen to everyone but it won't just be one out of tne whole population and world because everyone is prone to it either because they were forced or decided they needed a new start or it just happened without a reason,unexpectedly. If my biological brother Drake was ever asked the question:If Megan was not like the way she is before life changed and time went on, how did she go from being a sweet girl to a tough,sneaky,wisecracking,smart,sassy, manipulative,devious and evil young girl? He would answer:I don't know. Nobody knew why i was no longer the girl I was when Drake and I were younger. But I guess it was how I was meant to be as I grew up. Even I don't know the reason why but I'm okay with that unless it'll end up horrible for me if the reason why was ever found out. I'm not exactly sure when I became how I am today but I guess it's never going to be known.

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