On my Own

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I have been in college for a month, and it has been the best month of my life. I went home for Halloween. Now I have another three weeks until I can go visit them again, for Christmas and New Year's. I was told that I would not be able to go home for Christmas since working with the magazine company has been busy, but plans changed; I was given the week off, so I can stay for Christmas and New Year's.

A coworker who had been on maternity leave was coming back early, she had been sending photos of the baby all week, such a precious little girl with such chubby cheeks. Of course, I was happy she was coming back but that also meant not much work for me to do. I sat at my own desk in the back corner of the office, since I am only an intern, I would not be getting my own room or area; I share the same area with another intern named Carrie. The office was like any other office, a bunch of desks in rows and cubicles to separate everyone, but for the Christmas season each desk was decorated to each person's desire. It definitely had the Christmas spirit thriving strong in the room.

My boss Adam and the CEO of the company Harvey were walking through the office. I greeted them as they both passed the desk in quick strides too busy in their own conversations to even acknowledge my effort. But luckily after Harvey left Adam came out and was all too eager to let me know the news. I was excited to be able to go home for the holidays but was also determined to get the CEO and Mr. Adams to like me enough to want to keep me around for more work.

Now I am feeling better than ever, I have my dream job while going to college, I am living on my own; life has never been better. I walk down the street back from lunch with my new group of friends. Roland, who could totally be Justin Bieber's twin, is super gay, and is in love with Tyler. Tyler happens to be the jock with brown long locks of hair that come to his shoulders, blue eyes, and a built body. No one doubts he is just as interested in Roland though. Maddie, who loves music, is a natural blonde with short curly locks, brown eyes and is just plain gorgeous, and lastly Emily my roommate and best friend. She is known to be a hippie, always wearing colorful clothes, with her crazy ombre brown blonde hair, is the best in the whole world. We spend the day doing homework and studying together and then the group splits opposite ways.

"So, what was with you and the guy from the courtyard?" Emily asks

"Emily, give it up already, nothing is going on." I hide my annoyance with a smile and chuckle as we continue walking together shoulder to shoulder.

"Oh, is that so, because I'm sure staring at each other rather than glancing back and forth is something that needs to be discussed, young lady." she squeals in a voice used by high pitched barbie girls.

"OH MY GOD, you sound just like my mom." I squeak out while I bend over in laughter trying to not drop my books.

We make the journey to the dorm, our heavy feet clapping the floor tiredly; I fall into my comforter and finally change into my pajamas, pulling the sheets of warmth snug around me. I lay with open eyes in the dark of the sleepy dorm, and cannot help but remember the good days when I was younger; like when I was five and still believed in everything magically important to a child. Or even when I would play dress up, running around the house. My dad would play along; he was my knight in shining armor and still is.

When I was little, I thought I had everything figured out. I guess everyone does at that age, but from the youngest age I can remember, I knew I wanted to be somebody, to do something amazing and different. I lay thinking about the guy from the courtyard, his body covered with tattoos, his hair shaved on the sides of his head but long hair tied up in a ponytail on top. His facial hair was rough but tamed. His blue eyes staring intensely back at me, dressed in a hoodie and torn jeans. My brain wrapped around the details of his body as I closed my eyes and pictured him in my head. I cannot help but feel drawn to him like a child drawn to candy. Soon after, my day dreaming turned into a deep sleep.

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