Oh Lord

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Day 25

I found my sleep to be filled with nightmares as usual, but this time I was horrified to find a little boy in my dreams. Cody, sitting on the table right in front of me, I do not even know what he looks like; but my mind chose to make him look similar to my own baby brother. I could not be more terrified; I keep shouting at the boy, yet he cannot hear me. I watch the boy fall to sleep before my eyes, watch him stop breathing. I see them take him into the room, as my dream flashes into the blood-soaked room I find Ally with Cody lying next to her. I cannot help the sadden screams and cries that come from myself. Looking at his butchered little body has me sobbing out without care. I cannot bring myself to look away as I watch the scene flash to when he was alive, I can now see his little hand reaching for me. And as I reach my own hand out to him, to save him for this monster. I can see arms reach out of the pool around him, Ally who happened to be sitting next to him screams as she is pulled in with no chance to fight back. I for some reason just cannot reach little Codys hand. I am so close I can just barely skim his little fingertips as he too is suddenly grabbed by the arms and tugged in with Ally. I watch him get swallowed under the blood. Before I can seem to stop myself, I find I am jumping in after them. Hoping to even save just one of them. I cannot see but just a bit of the way in front of myself now. I can see the darkness and figures everywhere just floating around. Bodies that have just been dropped in without care. I then feel hands grab my body, around my ankles, my arms as I try to swim back to the surface are tugged down, and lastly hands grasp my shoulders and waist. The heavy weight now dragging me further down into the bloody warm water. I open my mouth shouting out the fluid filling my lungs quickly. I can no longer breath as I feel myself fighting with all my strength. As the dream begins to flash around me again, I find myself waking on the table with Mitchell and Courtney standing next to me, their hands had been on my arms and shoulders. Sweat has me coated all over my body, as I wake up more aware of my surroundings, I can also feel the nausea climbing inside. Shooting up quickly and leaning over without a second thought, I vomit all over the floor at Mitchells feet. I can feel Courtney keeping me steady from falling off the table. As Mitchell is quickly moving to hold my hair out of the way, I see him reach to the bucket and grab a wet rag to clean my face. Once I am done, I stay in my position to scared to move. When did I get untied from my restraints?

I truly cannot wrap my head around anything these people are doing. I can understand my mind just cannot handle it. They are killing us, killing healthy people to use our skins as protective gear or cover to keep themselves alive, or not sick. I do not understand it at all, there has to be another solution, they chose to be monsters. Yet I also know that not all bad people are truly monsters, and those that are can be truly terrible. Do all monsters act like monsters, do bad things, hurt people, can monsters do good things? Monsters can do good things, but only if they chose to do the good things. I feel hopeless, my mind cannot erase what they did to Ally, to Cody, to myself, to the people that they got before us. The only one that got lucky was Marcus. At least I hope he got lucky. Getting away was the only option one can have in a situation like this. I just cannot let them break me, not completely. I need to survive this; I have to survive this.

"Are you alright?" Mitchell questions in a low whisper of concern.

"I do not feel good." I whisper back trying to sound smaller than I already feel.

"She needs rest Mitch." Courtney states firmly from behind me.

I can see Mitchell nod, I can feel Courtney help me to sit back into my place, Mitchell handing her the rag; allowing her to wipe at my hairline and the rest of my face. I feel Mitchell drying off the table from behind me. Courtney helps me lay back down and they both work to tie the restraints back onto my arms and ankles. Within several minutes they both stand to check the restraints and without another word, both turn arm in arm and walk out of the cellar leaving me to the silence once more. After several hours of fighting off the exhaustion I still felt I gradually fall back to sleep to welcome more nightmares.

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