Real Problems

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Day 300

It has been several more weeks, apparently the baby is overdue, I feel like a giant whale, unable to see anything behind the mountain of my stomach. Over the last several weeks have been somewhat normal for the situation, daily cleaning and food. With how big I am and how slowly I am moving they have decided to let me have some freedom under close eye and supervision. I have tried finding an escape, a solution; anything to get out of this situation. I am horrified by my mind as I find myself thinking of ways to save myself and the baby from hell even if we never actually leave this place. I find my dreams to be nightmares of all the scenarios I have thought up, how to do it quickly and with no pain. I have been suffering from the worst of cramps for the last three days, I was so uncomfortable last night that I cried lying awake for over an hour. I close my eyes praying that the baby does not come, I pray for salvation, I pray for rescue, I pray to have my hope back. As I lay, I hear a number of footsteps coming down the stairs towards me. The door opens and I am greeted by Courtney, Mitchell, and lastly Hank as he walks in behind the couple. The come to my side probably to do their ultrasound for the day. I lay letting him move equipment around and within five minutes I am staring at a screen of my baby boy.

"He should have come already, I am not sure how long we can let this pregnancy go, but if he gets any bigger, we will have a much bigger problem on our hands." Mitchell says to the room.

I watch him sigh as he turns to meet Courtney and Hanks gaze before turning down to look at me.

"The group has decided to induce you, the baby will not be able to be born naturally if it goes any longer. I have everything ready to go, I will be back down tonight to get you started. Then she will be all yours." Mitchell clears his throat as he speaks looking to Hank as he finishes.

My heart races at the thought, tonight. I have until tonight to come up with something to save us both from this monster. I lay still as he nods cleaning up my round belly turning off the machine. Courtney steps around me with a plate of food I had not noticed, she hands it to me quickly stating how I will need my strength. I take the plate carefully looking to Hank who sits on the low stool in front of me talking to my stomach happily. I can feel the anxiety and panic fill me to the core, the baby inside jostles around at the change of my mood. Once the plate has been cleared Courtney grabs it and heads out of the room walking arm in arm with Mitchell who must have wanted for her to join him. Hank rubs my belly laying me down tying the restraints quickly before planting a kiss to the top of my belly before joining the couple, leaving me to my racing mind. I pray I can figure something out, anything.

For several hours I can hear what sounds like a party above as I sweat a pool under myself. I have decided that no matter what happens I will do what I can to make sure they do not get my baby. I find myself praying as I squeeze my eyes closed, before opening them with a look of determination and absolute fear. I swing as hard as I can on the table from side to side. I am not dying here, and my baby is not either I have made up my mind. I swing even harder as I feel the table wobble with my body, I find myself swinging even harder once more, as the table finally swings enough slow at first before it and myself crash to the floor. I feel my side hit the ground as sudden pain erupts through me. I fight and hold the scream inside as I wiggle my hardest against the ropes. I look around as the party above does not seem to hear anything. I find myself using the tips of my toes to grab the tray of tools trying to knock it over, not even ten minutes later as my ankles burn against the rope, I am finally successful. The tray tips over. I wiggle my body towards it reaching my twisted hand to grab something, anything I can. I find a weird yet sharp comb as I use it on the ropes. It takes way longer than I would have liked but eventually I get an arm free. I sit up carefully to undo my other hand only now realizing there is an actual pool of liquid gathered under me. I stare at it for a minute, it cannot be, I hope it is not. I cannot do this right now.

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