Adventure Time

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Day 160

Today starts very different, it has been officially one hundred sixty days since my initial capture, the day the police search from me has officially be called off. I am completely shattered. Hank seems to have found a better mood lately as my belly bulges, apparently Micthell decided to give Hank another chance to prove himself and now Hank comes down every morning with his breakfast forcing me to eat off his plate, he states he is trying to take care of his kin, God I hope this baby is Marcus. I only know it has been one hundred sixty days because after Hank watched the news report about the search being called off, he had made me a new DVD to watch with the new news report at the end, he is waiting to add the apparent memorial service being held for me. I lay without feeling on the table as I lose my sense of reality. That would not ever stop looking for me, there is no way they are holding a service for me. I stare off into space as Hank rubs his hand over my belly talking without care to the baby inside. I have yet to feel the baby move or anything, but I am sure it is trying to run away just as much as my brain has been since the beginning.

I of course decided enough was enough, with my newfound burst of energy I am going to escape today. First chance I get no matter how safe it is, I just need to go. If I stay any longer, I will die here or better, yet I will have this baby and watch them take the baby then die. That is not going to happen, this baby is half mine and there is no way in hell I am going to let them take my baby away or let them hurt my baby in anyway. I wait, Hank always gets in trouble for being down here too long, as no body trust him to not be inappropriate with me. Sure, enough Mitch yells down calling for Hank.

"Times up Hank." Mitch calls down.

"Don't worry, I will be back." Hank sighs as he speaks before he quickly leans over kissing my belly than standing leaving the room quickly.

Thank goodness he is gone; man smells terrible, and I had been holding my breath for way too long. And of course, they June heat is coming from the floor above, I am coated in a layer of sweat. I wish they would let me outside again; it would make my plan easier but for the time being just have to play it out and hope it works. I figure if I act like I am in serious pain firstly, Mitch will panic and be running around erratic and secondly that with the weather being nice, I flash back to Hank talking to my belly, telling the baby about a trip everyone is making today, so once they are all gone, and it is just me and Mitch. He will be the only thing in my way, I know where the needle and drugs are so all I need to do is be quick. Drug him, knock him and go without looking back without thinking twice. Sounds better in my head but desperation for escape has become the only desire in my head so I have to take the opportunity that I have. I could die but at least dying trying to get away is better than the alternative. I can tell it is super quiet above, I heard the car engines leaving about ten minutes ago which should be enough time to go through with the plan.

I scream at the top of my lungs knowing once I start, I must follow all the way through with the plan. I can hear the running footsteps from above as I feign pain, moaning, groaning, screaming and crying. I could be a good actor I bet, as I pant out of panic and fear continuing act one. I can hear the bagging footsteps as the door to the room I am in flies open and Mitchells wide eyes are looking right at me. He rushes to my side as he effortlessly starts checking me, once he sees nothing is wrong, his eyes meet mine as I continue me efforts.

"What is it? What is wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know, my stomach hurts, the baby." I cry out.

His eyes widen as they move to my stomach, without hesitation he does exactly what I expected him to, he starts quickly untying me bringing me up to a sitting position, I continue my act of pain and crying as he rushes away to the dark corner of the room where is work station is at, I rush quickly to the needle and syringe still crying out as I fill the needle before quickly moving back to the table. I can hear him talking, not sure who he is talking to. Before I hear him say bye quickly and the sound of a landline phone being hung up. He rushes around coming back to me as I groan loudly leaning forward as if I would fall off the table, he quickly wraps his arms around me keeping me upright to him. Now is my chance as I take the filled syringe and stab him right into the neck, he gasps as he steps away from me, I leave the syringe in his neck watching him pull it out with his hand before he starts rocking on his legs. I do not know how much I was supposed to do but I feel I gave him enough to work a while. I watch him sink to the floor, and the minute he is down I dart for the door. I grab a blanket and my inhaler moving out the cellar and I move quickly in the opposite direction. I hope to God I am going the right way, but I will not know until I am sure I am far enough away from this place.

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